Saturday, September 21, 2024 - 3:07 am
HomeWhat's in store for Israel if Harris becomes US president?

What’s in store for Israel if Harris becomes US president?

In light of a possible Kamala Harris presidency, many questions arise about how her administration will build relations with Israel. Analysts say the political environment in the United States is becoming more and more polarized and this could seriously affect the future of US-Israeli cooperation.

JNS writes about this.

While Vice President Harris has expressed support for Israel’s right to self-defense, her rhetoric often includes qualifications aimed at appeasing the anti-Israel wing of the Democratic Party. She condemns Hamas’s actions and reiterates the need to defend Israel, but she also expresses concern about the Palestinian death toll and calls for an immediate ceasefire. This raises fears that her policies could contribute to the restoration of Hamas and increase tensions in the region.

Republicans, particularly Donald Trump, have painted a bleak picture of a potential Harris presidency, arguing that the influence of anti-Israel forces in her administration would be a decisive factor, endangering the security of the Jewish state. While her supporters believe the US will continue to support Israel, critics fear her administration, under pressure from the party’s left wing, may be inclined to take a softer approach towards Iran and Palestinian groups, potentially weakening Israel’s standing on the international stage.

Given the ongoing conflict with Hamas and the potential threat of Hezbollah and Iran, the future of US-Israel relations remains uncertain. The question of whether Harris will continue her policy of supporting Israel, or whether her administration will become more critical of the Jewish state’s actions, remains open and causes concern among Israel’s supporters both in the United States and in Israel itself.

Particular attention is also being paid to the Iranian factor. On the one hand, the Biden administration has returned to the policies outlined by Barack Obama to approach Iran, which critics say has created the conditions for the growth of Iran’s nuclear program. On the other hand, Harris could face pressure from the anti-Israeli wing of her party, which could further weaken American support for Israeli efforts to combat threats from Iran and its allies.

Cursor previously wrote that experts summed up the results of the Trump-Harris debate.


Staven Smith
Staven Smith
I am a professional article writer, I have 7 years of experience writing stories, news, blogs and more.


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