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HomeLatest NewsWhen Anne got up, Peter

When Anne got up, Peter

The control sessions are not the same without Sánchez. And it is not because we eagerly await his interventions that six years seem to be enough to suspect that this man is not Churchill. But, at least, it is evident that his presence gives the event tension, emotion, a pinch of interest, you know, if he leaves at the eighth or tenth minute, if he contracts or not the temporomandibular joint, if he relaxes for a few seconds. ‘fake news’ or there will be three. When this appears, the ministers assume their role and the advisers exaggerate their work, they run through the corridors and say that corny “I can’t live with this”. There are calls, colored papers and meetings in extremis. The socialist parliamentary group unties its tie, releases cortisol and gathers around a bonfire that already looks like a funeral pyre. Let’s call it adrenaline. However, when we get up – which is almost always the case – the enthusiasm evaporates like a yoga session. Some ministers – Urtasun, García, Rego, Body, Redondo – were not even present. Others are, but only physically, their soul flies several kilometers from the Carrera de San Jerónimo. The parliamentary partners of the PSOE are deflated, the opposition has no motivation, the press gallery yawns and a lady cries for help for sick children. The legislative power is dying and each session becomes a procedure without much meaning. As an example, the trajectory of the deficit, prelude to the budgets. Until a few days ago, they told us that if we did not move forward, nothing would happen, but since yesterday we know that they are withdrawing the process so as not to find themselves facing defeat. So something will count for them. In any case, we have scored a new defeat for the PSOE: a team that does not show up loses 2-0. It does not matter how they get it. In this scenario, a session without much history. Vice-president Ribera said goodbye to the hemicycle to go to Strasbourg and she did so with a historic intervention that we did not understand anything about. He talked to us about molecules, neutrons, he forgot Pepa Millán’s last name and called the digital press the electronic press, I guess he thinks ABC has a socket. The farewell party must have been interesting. Previously, Gamarra and Sémper were in charge of Montero, which we did not understand at all either, but for other reasons. It is worth noting the hoax that Mañueco would have a five-year budget. In reality, there are three (2021, 2023 and 2024). But what does it matter? Related News Standard Control Session If Montero boasts that no government law has been rejected after 35 defeats in Congress Juan Casillas Bayo The vice president ignores the PSOE and Sumar bills and the projects withdrawn to avoid losing votesThe vice president addressed Belarra to ask him to join the forces of good, and not to flirt with liberal policies – the dark side of the force. He said it as if it were an insult, very slowly: “li-be-ra-les”. It was not by miracle that he called the Podemites “liberals”. It is clear, in any case, that what antiliberalism has united, no one can separate because, immediately afterwards, Belarra sided with the dictator and accused the government of having brought in a “dangerous” opponent who “encouraged violence in Venezuela”. referring to Edmundo González Urrutia. González Arrieta, in zapateril. Cayetana reported on Bolaños, Tellado by Yolanda Díaz and Belén Hoyo by Margarita Robles, at the most interesting moment of the day. The popular deputy asked him to repeat in front of his colleagues that Venezuela is a dictatorship. Robles was not capable of it. He derailed in an intervention that was intended to be acidic but which turned out to be very bitter. And he curled up on the boards like a Juan Pedro Manso in a scene that sums up the decline of a policy. On the right bench, he was called a “coward”. And they have reasons. It is worrying that a Minister of Defense cannot say what she thinks for fear of reprisals from members of a party of which she is not even a member. But that is what it is about. Questions to Marlaska, Puente, Alegría, Torres, Rodríguez, Saiz and López. All of them answered defensively, without giving an answer, questioning as if we were in an opposition control session and looking for the shelter of the oxen to go to the corrals. They feel like they have survived another day. And me with a smile. Because Sánchez may have stood up to me, but Anne Hathaway stood up to her. 3-0.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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