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“When I decided to give up meat, cheese and so on, I was a little lost at first”

“My journey is eclectic, marked by reorientations as I become more aware of the body, health, the environment and ecology. I started out studying psychomotor skills, a discipline that I practiced with small children and which I left at the age of three. I was not prepared for this emotionally engaging job. Ten years followed in the pharmaceutical industry, where I developed my scientific knowledge of the body and met fascinating health professionals.

At the same time, I began to understand the need to take care of the body and the priority that must be given to prevention, especially through nutrition. The medical-centred view of health linked to my profession no longer suited me. I quit my job and went back to studying interior architecture. I found work in an event design agency and thrived there for years. But it was my ecological conscience that, little by little, began to awaken.

I felt at odds with what I was doing, too much waste of material and energy, to sell more and more, while also embarking on a process of reducing my consumption, of sobriety. So I wanted to think differently about this creative profession. I completed my course with training in circular economy and design, or how to produce more responsibly. I acquired knowledge about the environmental impacts of production, particularly of food, and the need for a global and multi-criteria vision to evaluate them.

Foods that respect living beings

At the same time, I started practicing yoga, which I started to do very regularly, until I trained to teach. It transformed my daily life, my outlook on life and my expectations. I also changed my way of eating, so that it is good for my body but also respectful of living beings, animals and the environment. I am not completely vegan or completely organic, but I make choices taking into account what I have learned, my beliefs and my social constraints to find my own balance.

Bible Simple and delicious vegetables was born out of a desire to inform people about the environmental impact of consuming animal products, so that they can make their own conscious choices. When I decided to give up meat, cheese and the like, I was a bit lost at first: I had to redo my entire education. Ten years later, I have rebuilt habits around gourmet seasonal dishes, easy to prepare with simple and affordable ingredients.

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Like this cake, which I have been preparing for years for children and adults. It is this everyday plant-based cooking that I wanted to share in a book. Today, my watchwords continue to be balance and well-being in my daily life, in my diet, in my environment, in the practice of yoga and in the profession of psychomotor skills, which I recently rediscovered and in which I work with older people. »

Simple and delicious vegetablesby Karine Ruffel, photographs by Bastien Petit, Alternatives, 144 pages, 16 euros.

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Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins is a tech-savvy blogger and digital influencer known for breaking down complex technology trends and innovations into accessible insights.


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