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HomeEntertainment NewsWhen rowing, it is best to leave your phone on the pontoon.

When rowing, it is best to leave your phone on the pontoon.

At the Vaires-sur-Marne nautical stadium (Seine-et-Marne), the rumour spreads like a light breeze across the body of water this Sunday 1Ahem September. Then a wave came that shook the Paralympic delegations. While talking to the athletes, we learn that the Italian single scull finalist will be stripped of his medal…

This day of finals, however, had begun under the best of auspices, with mild weather conditions, a record crowd in the stands along the course and a very lively first race (women’s single sculls PR1).

In the next final, the men’s PR1 single sculls, the three favourites, Ukrainian Roman Polianskyi, British Benjamin Pritchard and Italian Giacomo Perini, will ensure the suspense. Leading until the 1,000 metres, the Italian was overtaken by the Briton and, at the end of the race, by the reigning Ukrainian Paralympic champion.

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The times and rankings are displayed on the large screens near the stands. But the medal ceremony comes a little late. And rightly so: the Australian team has lodged an appeal against the Italian team with the International Rowing Federation (FISA).

A few minutes later he published a press release: “In the men’s PR1 individual final, it was found that the Italian athlete used communication equipment during the competition, in violation of Rule 28 and Appendix R2, Regulations of Rule 28. The crew was excluded from the event and is ranked last.”.

He would have “forgotten” it on his boat

Demoted to sixth place, Giacomo Perini will not have the chance to claim his bronze medal, which will ultimately go to the neck of Australian Erik Horrie, fourth in this final with back and forth. There will be no further sanction beyond the 2024 Paris regattas.

The presence of a media outlet in the Italian hull, reported by Erik Horrie, is attested to by Benjamin Pritchard. “I had a phone on the boat and we can’t communicate like that”the new Paralympic champion told the press. With our disability we cannot look around us”The Briton recalled, saying “I don’t understand why they would try something like that in the final.”.

A surprise shared by the Blues management. “This means of communication with the outside world was certainly to obtain instructions from someone in the management, assumes Charles Delval, the technical director of the French national team. But it is clearly forbidden and it is madness to accept it, both on the part of the athlete and on the part of the staff. »

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Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins is a tech-savvy blogger and digital influencer known for breaking down complex technology trends and innovations into accessible insights.


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