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HomeLatest NewsWhen Your Inbox Is in Chaos: Tips for Managing It

When Your Inbox Is in Chaos: Tips for Managing It

I admit that I tend to keep the emails I receive at arm’s length, which happens pretty much every day. However, today I was talking to an old high school friend who showed me a screenshot of his iPhone. He over 10,000 unopened emails. Personally, it would be difficult for me to be calm with this number always as a reminder and for this reason, I want to share with you a series of tips that can help you manage your email inbox.

How to manage email

Smart folders and labels are a great way to organize your mail. You can set rules so thatImportant emails go into specific folders, and those that are not urgent, move to another less priority. Also, emails that have absolute priority for me, I pin them with a pushpin and when I have already processed and resolved them, they go directly to the trash.

Another major problem is perhaps the constant checking of email. Logically, checking my emails is the first thing I do as soon as I get to work, but I set specific times to see him again. This way I also saw the distractions at the time I was working.

I recognize that since I mastered the the art of unsubscribing My email volume has decreased dramatically. When there is something I am not interested in, I do not hesitate to search until the end of the email for that magic word: “Unsubscribe”. It is a sacred medicine.

You can have your email automatically filter out unwanted messages or emails that aren’t that important, like promotions or notifications. For example, The Gmail app has some very good features when it comes to automatically segmenting these emails. My favorite email manager by default is the Spark app. In addition to being free, it offers interesting options like composing replies using artificial intelligence. You can download it for iPhone and for your Android phone or tablet.

I also learned that if an email takes a short time to get a response, I’ll do it immediately. The usual thing is to let people know that you have received information or to confirm an appointment. If you respond immediately, you will reduce the volume of messages waiting to be answered.

Many email tools allow you to use quick replies or templates, which saves you a lot of time. For example, Spark has quick replies such as “Thanks”, “I like it”, “Okay”. and similar ones, ideal for letting someone know you heard or showing your gratitude without having to rewrite a complete email.

Use separate email accounts, one for business matters and another for personal matters, It also helps us manage all areas of our lives efficiently, while avoiding seeing a lot of mixed emails in the same inbox.

Finally, just like you clean your house or garage, It’s important to take the time to clean out your inbox regularly.. It doesn’t matter if it’s one day a month or one day a week, but having this maintenance routine avoids situations like the ones described, that everything overflows and when we have to clean directly we leave it out of laziness.

This is why, manage email inbox It has many associated benefits, including an invaluable state of tranquility. As you can see, there are many tricks that help you keep it cleaner and prevent this from happening, like my friend Daniel, who however takes it with excellent humor.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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