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Where are they and how fast can you travel?

Valencia City Hall will install new speed radars on ring roads, main avenues and accesses to the city. “The objective of this measure is to avoid high speeds on different wide and multi-lane urban roads. With them, we intend to minimize accidents and their severity,” explains the Councilor for Citizen Security and Mobility, Jesús Carbonell.

The locations of the radars were decided by the Local Police and the Mobility Zone because they are the most accident-prone points and where drivers reach higher speeds. “These are roads where, in most sections, the speed cannot exceed 50 km/h or lessbut where people often travel at higher speeds. With this measure we want to discourage drivers from driving and thus avoid accidents and accidents,” says councilor Jesús Carbonell.

“The measure does not have a collection purpose but rather a dissuasive one, since there will be more empty cabins than with radar, but the drivers will not know which of them is the radar that will be rotating in the different places. We don’t want to impose fines, but we want to educate drivers. that respecting the speeds indicated on each of the roads makes our streets and avenues safer for pedestrians, cyclists and drivers alike,” adds Carbonell.

The Local Police has already acquired two multi-channel Doppler speed cameras with image capture and 6 fixed pole cabinsso that the speed cameras can change location. The total purchase amount is 247,047.80 euros, of which 165,987.80 euros correspond to the investment and the remainder corresponds to the maintenance and certification of the devices for 4 years. The delivery and installation period is 3 months from the formalization of the contract.

THE locations The new radars that will be installed in the coming months are: Hermanos Machado Avenue at the intersection with Vicente Canet (entrance direction), Antonio Ferrandis Avenue at the intersection with Pou Aparisi, on Camí Nou de Picanya at number 49, Fernando Abril Martorell Avenue with Malilla, Los Naranjos Avenue at number 8 and Maestro Rodrigo Avenue at number 84.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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