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where are they and how to get there

Any time of year is good to disconnect and now that we are returning to our routine, we also deserve to take our time during our free time. As long as the weather permits, we can continue to enjoy the Spanish beaches and rivers to disconnect from nature.

In this sense, in front of the water of the beach are the hot springs. These types of spaces can be found throughout Spain. One of them is located in the north. Specifically, in the province of Orense. These are the hot springs of Outariz and Burga de Canedo..

This thermal space is free and for recreational use. As the tourist portal of Orense points out, it allows visitors to bathe in some facilities that extend along the right bank of the Miño Riverwhere you can enjoy a high concentration of mineral hot springs.

In the upper part are the pools of Outariz and in the lower part those of Burga de Canedo. Both have the same distribution, although the latter are somewhat larger.

“It’s about two sets of outdoor thermal vases located in a large landscaped recreational area“, they explain. The space of Outariz consists of a glass of cold water and three glasses of hot water. In the case of Burga de Canedo, there is a glass of cold water and three doubles of hot water.

The waters of this space have multiple properties: low mineralization, hyperthermal, sodium biocarbonated, fluorinated and sulfurous. In addition, the temperature of the hot water glasses is approximately 60 degrees.

Outariz and Burga de Canedo have services such as changing rooms to make visitors’ stay more comfortable, but Children under 10 years old are not allowed access. Likewise, tourism in Ourense recommends that people suffering from any type of pathology consult their doctor about swimming in these waters. On the other hand, the use of the facilities is entirely recreational and specific therapies cannot be provided.

Where are they and how to get there

The hot springs of Outariz and Burga de Canedo They are open to the public between 10am and 8pm.. As already mentioned, they are located in Orense, on one of the banks of the Miño River.

The city is about five kilometers away and the neighborhood is accessible to pedestrians. In addition, those who come to the journey by car can park for free in Muíño da Veiga or in Pozas Maimón in the parking lot. Reza/Outariz. Keep in mind that the promenade is on the other side of the parking lot, but there is a footbridge that connects to the banks.

By public transport, it is accessible from the city bus line 5 which stops at the Reza parking lot. There is also a Hot Springs train which is currently not active due to a breakdown.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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