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HomeLatest NewsWhich saints are celebrated today, Monday September 2, 2024?

Which saints are celebrated today, Monday September 2, 2024?

That saints Are they celebrated today, Monday, September 2, 2024? In the liturgical calendar of catholic churchEvery day of the year is dedicated to the memory of various saints and blesseds recognized for their life of faith and their witness of holiness. Today, Monday, September 2, 2024, is no exception. On this day, the Church commemorates several saints, highlighting the figure of San Antolin, a martyr of the Christian faith whose cult was particularly significant in Palenciawhere is the model. In addition to San Antolín, today we commemorate other saints who have profoundly marked the history of the Church.

The celebration of San Antolín is particularly notable, as they say, in the city of Palencia, Spain, where he is venerated as patron saint. The celebration in his honor takes place with processions, solemn masses and various cultural activities. that highlight the dedication and legacy of this martyr. Saint Antolín, whose life and martyrdom date back to the 3rd century, is an example of fidelity and courage in the face of persecution. His story has inspired many faithful over the centuries, becoming a symbol of resistance and unwavering faith. In addition to San Antolín, Today, other saints such as Saint Zeno of Nicomedia and Habib of Edessa are also commemorated. Saint Zeno was a Christian soldier martyred under the Emperor Diocletian in the early 4th century, known for his bravery and steadfastness in the faith. In contrast, Habib of Edessa, a Syrian deacon, was burned alive for proclaiming his Christian faith, and his example of total dedication to God continues to be venerated to this day. These saints, along with Saint Antolin, represent different facets of the Christian experience, from courageous defense of the faith to ultimate sacrifice for the love of God.

San Antolin

San Antolín is one of the most venerated saints in the city of Palencia, Spain, where he is celebrated with great fervor every September 2. The Palencia Cathedralalso known as “Bella Desconocida”, is home to a crypt dedicated to San Antolínbecame an important place of pilgrimage.

Saint Antolin, whose birth is estimated to have taken place around the year 453 in Pamiers, France, is a character whose life is surrounded by mystery and legend due to the lack of concrete historical details. His real name is believed to have been Antonin and that he belonged to the royal family of his time. The lack of precise documents about his life has led to a mixture of facts and possible rumors that have fueled his legend over the centuries.

During his childhood and adolescence, Antolin was educated in Arianism.a Christian doctrine that held that Jesus Christ was not eternal, since he was created before God created time. Despite his Arian education, Antolín did not share these beliefs and eventually He converted to Orthodox Christianity. ANDThis change of faith led him to make the radical decision to abandon his family and his fortune, entrusting his life to God on a trip to Rome, where he was ordained a deacon shortly after his arrival.

After his ordination, Antolin spent time preaching in various parts of Italy and perform miracles. However, he feels the call to return to his native land, Gaul, to continue his mission under the direction of Saint Dionysius. He preached in Rouergue, where he succeeded in converting the local prince and many inhabitants, as well as in Toulouse, where he was imprisoned. After his release, he returned to Pamiers, where he was arrested again and executed on the banks of the Ariège in 506. Saint Antolín’s bravery and devotion made him a venerated martyr, whose legacy continues to inspire the faithful today.

Saint Zeno of Nicomedia

Saint Zeno of Nicomedia is another of the saints whose memory is celebrated on September 2. He was a Roman soldier who converted to Christianity and suffered martyrdom during the reign of Emperor Diocletian.known for its intense persecution of Christians. Zeno, along with other fellow Christians, was arrested and tortured for refusing to renounce their faith. Eventually, he was executed, and his courage and steadfastness in the faith earned him a place in the books of the Church’s saints.

Habib of Edessa

Habib of Edessa, 4th century deaconis another saint whose feast day is celebrated today. Originally from Edessa in present-day Turkey, Habib is known for his fiery preaching of the gospel and his willingness to face martyrdom for his faith. He was arrested during one of the imperial persecutions and, after repeatedly refusing to renounce his faith, was sentenced to be burned alive. The story of his martyrdom has been a source of inspiration and veneration, highlighting his dedication and courage.

Other saints celebrated on September 2

Along with those mentioned, This September 2, these other saints are also celebrated:

  • Saints Theodotus, Evudius, Hermogenes and Callistus of Nicaea
  • San Antonino of Apamea
  • Saint Prospero of Tarragona
  • Saints Justo and Viator of Lyon
  • Saint Nonoso of Soracte
  • Saint Siagrio of Autun
  • Saint Agricola of Avignon
  • Saint Elpidio of Piceno
  • Saints Albert and Vitus of Pontida
  • Blessed Brocard of Mount Carmel
  • Blessed Ingrid Elofsdotter
  • Blessed Jean-Marie de Lau d’Allemans, François Joseph de la Rochefoucauld, Pierre Ludovico de la Rochefoucauld and ninety-three companions
  • Blessed Pierre Jacques Marie Vitalis and twenty companions


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
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