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Which saints are celebrated today, Sunday September 8, 2024?

Which saints are celebrated today, Sunday September 8, 2024? Today Sunday, the catholic church celebrates one of the most important festivities of the liturgical calendar: the Nativity of the Virgin Mary. This solemnity is one of the thirteen most remarkable Marian feasts and marks a moment of special devotion in the lives of the faithful. The birth of Mary, mother of Christis remembered and venerated for her fundamental role in the history of salvation. This day invites believers not only to reflect on the purity and humility of Mary, but also on her role as intercessor and model of faith for all Christians.

In addition to the Nativity of the Virgin, this September 8th The festival of the Virgin of Health, patron saint of Palma de Mallorca, is also celebrated.. They also commemorate other saints whose life testimony has left an indelible mark on the Christian tradition. Among them, stand out Saint Hadrian of Nicomedia, a martyr who gave his life defending his faith during the persecution of Christians in the Roman Empire, and Saint Sergius I, who was pope at a time of great challenges for the Church. And now we know the story of each of them.

Nativity of the Virgin Mary

The Nativity of the Virgin Mary is one of the most beloved and venerated feasts in the Catholic tradition. Celebrated on September 8, this solemnity commemorates the birth of the Mother of God, an event which, although not directly narrated in the Scriptures, has profound theological and spiritual significance. According to tradition, Mary was born in Jerusalem to Saints Joachim and Annain a humble but pious home. Her birth is considered the beginning of the fulfillment of the divine plan of redemption, since, through her, the Savior, Jesus Christ, would come into the world.

The celebration of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary has its roots in the 5th century, being one of the oldest and most venerated in the liturgical calendar. Although the exact date of its origin is uncertain, it is known that the feast was already celebrated in the East before being adopted by the Western Church. Devotion to Mary as mother and protector has continued throughout the centuries, and her birth is considered a prelude to the grace and redemption that Jesus brought to the world. In many parts of the world, this feast is accompanied by processions, solemn masses and acts of devotion, which reflect the love and gratitude of the faithful towards the Virgin.

Saint Hadrian of Nicomedia

Saint Hadrian of Nicomedia He is one of the saints commemorated on September 8. He lived in the 4th century, at a time when Christians were being brutally persecuted by the Roman Empire.. Hadrian, a senior officer in the Roman army, witnessed the courage of the Christians during their trial and torture. Inspired by his faith and courage, he decided to convert to Christianity, renouncing his position and privileges. This decision inevitably led him to martyrdom, a sacrifice he made in full awareness of the consequences it entailed.

THE The story of Saint Hadrian is a powerful testimony of conversion and commitment to the faith. His decision to embrace Christianity in the face of fierce persecution reminds us of the cost of discipleship. His life and death teach us the transformative power of Christian witness and the importance of remaining steadfast in the faith, even in the face of extreme adversity. Devotion to Saint Hadrian has continued over the centuries, particularly in Orthodox communities, where he is venerated as a model of bravery and holiness.

In the iconographic tradition, Saint Hadrian is often represented with a swordsymbol of his condition as a soldier, and a palm, emblem of martyrdom. His feast is an opportunity to reflect on the call to holiness that all Christians share and on the courage needed to live the faith in a world that often opposes the values ​​of the Gospel. Saint Hadrian of Nicomedia, like other martyrs, reminds us that true faith is not limited to words, but is manifested in concrete actions, even if these involve great personal sacrifices.

Saint Sergius I

September 8 also commemorates Saint Sergius I, who was pope from 687 until his death in 701. Saint Sergius I was born in Palermo, Sicily, to a family of Syrian origin, and his pontificate was marked by significant challenges, both within and outside the Church. His election as pope was controversial, as he had to overcome opposition from factions supporting other candidates. However, his steadfast leadership and dedication to the unity of the Church earned him the respect and admiration of many.

During his pontificate, Saint Sergius I was faced with the difficult task of maintaining peace between the Church of Rome and the Byzantine Empire, which was then divided by doctrinal controversies. Despite political and religious pressures, Sergius I defended the orthodoxy of the faith and refused to accept the decisions of some councils that he considered heretical. His firmness in defending the Catholic faith and his ability to handle complex situations with diplomacy made his papacy a period of stability and growth for the Church.

St. Sergius I is also remembered for introducing the custom of singing the “Agnus Dei” during Mass, a practice that has continued to this day. His legacy includes the building and restoration of several churches in Rome, as well as his commitment to charity and social justice. The life of St. Sergius I inspires us to value the role of spiritual leadership and the importance of maintaining the integrity of faith in times of uncertainty and division. His feast day invites us to pray for Church leaders and to ask for unity and peace in the Christian world.

Other saints celebrated on September 8

With those mentioned, This September 8, these other saints are also celebrated:

  • Saints Peter, Faust, Dion and Ammonius of Alexandria
  • Saint Isaac of Bagrevand
  • Saint Corbinian of Freising
  • Saint Peter of Chavanon
  • Blessed Serafina Sforza
  • Saint Thomas of Villanueva
  • Blessed Tomás Palaser, Juan Norton and Juan Talbot
  • Saint Peter Claver
  • Blessed Antonio de San Buenaventura, Domingo Castellet and twenty companions
  • Blessed Frederic Ozanam
  • Blessed José Cecilio Rodríguez González, Teodomiro Joaquín Sainz Sainz and Evencio Ricardo Urjurra
  • Blessed Marino Blanes Giner
  • Blessed Ishmael Escrihuela Esteve
  • Blessed Pascual Fortuño Almela
  • Blesseds Josefa de San Juan de Dios Ruano García and María Dolores de Santa Eulalia Puig Bonany
  • Blessed Adam Bargielski
  • Blessed Ladislas Bladzinski
  • Virgin of the Valley Venezuela


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
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