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Who was scared by the British intelligence chief’s lecture on “ADA”?

“What are they talking about us?”, broadcast on Baku TV. The new edition of the program has already aired.

The programme states that September 20 is the day of the centenary of the Azerbaijani people, a symbol of the difficult and glorious history of our country on the path to independence. Over the past week, foreign media have been presenting to their readers news about the significance of this historic event and the success of our country in the world. Kenya’s “The Standard” published an article entitled “How the reconstruction of Karabakh brings hope to war-torn regions.”

It was noted that this region of Azerbaijan has been a source of contention for more than thirty years. Azerbaijan is located in the Caucasus region between Eastern Europe and Western Asia. It was reported that thirty years ago, after a four-year war and the occupation of 20 percent of Azerbaijan’s internationally recognized territories, Russia mediated a ceasefire that ensured the de facto independence of Nagorno-Karabakh, according to the Bishkek protocol.

Four UN Security Council resolutions demanding the withdrawal of Armenian troops from the territory have been ignored. The article notes that in November 2020, the Second Karabakh War ended and Azerbaijan returned most of its territory.

The Russian publication “Vestnik Kavkaza” reports that the President Ilham Aliyev He laid the foundation of the village of Eyvazkhanbeyli in the Aghdam region. The article mentions that Head of State Ilham Aliyev and his son Heydar Aliyev took part in the ceremony of laying the foundation of the village of Eyvazkhanbeyli in the Aghdam region on September 19.

The Jordanian publication “Menafn” published a news item entitled “President Ilham Aliyev: The establishment of the Karabakh University is a historic event.” The source notes that President Ilham Aliyev said this at a meeting with teachers and students of the Karabakh University. Saying that a beautiful university dormitory has been created for the university and new educational buildings will be built in the next three years, the Head of State expressed hope that the Karabakh University will become one of the leading universities in our country.

In the detailed plot:

Who was scared by the British intelligence chief’s lecture on “ADA”?

Who was scared by the British intelligence chief’s lecture on “ADA”?


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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