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Who will run Baku? – Tensions between Nuru Pasha and Rasulzadeh

When Azerbaijan declared its independence on 28 May 1918, the city of Baku was occupied by the forces of the Baku Soviet led by Stepan Shaumyan.

One of the biggest problems of the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic was to liberate Baku from this occupation.

Muhammad Amin Rasulzadeh wrote on this subject: “Turkey is the only solution that will save the nation from this difficult situation! Hopes are directed there. That brotherly nation will come and save us from the hands of the enemy. The people have no hope left.”

Nasib Bey Yusifbeyli said in his first speech on this topic: “The Turkish army should come here.”

“However, there is one thing we fear. It is the Turks who are trying to rule us from Istanbul. We have a programme built on the basis of central control. It is important to follow it. Of course, the Ottoman Turks are the elder brother of the Azerbaijani Turks. However, Baku cannot be controlled from Istanbul.”

The leaders of the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic signed a peace treaty with the Ottoman State in Batumi on June 4, 1918. The agreement emphasized that in case of a dangerous situation on the territory of Azerbaijan, the Ottoman State would provide military assistance to ensure order and order.

The first government cabinet established on May 28, 1918, led to a crisis between the Musavat government and Nuru Pasha in June. Ahmed Bey Agaoglu, political advisor to Nuru Pasha, demands that the government cabinet be built around the Union Party in Azerbaijan. The Musavat government responded to the Turkish command: “If they do not accept our government, we will send a telegraph to the European countries and inform them that they have come here to invade us.”

The arrival of Turkish troops in Ganja at the invitation of the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic is a cause of serious concern for the leadership of the Council of People’s Commissars in Baku. The people are eagerly awaiting the liberation of Baku and its transformation into the capital of the independent state of Azerbaijan.

After the liberation of Baku, units of the Islamic Caucasus Army are sent to Karabakh. The operation to clear Karabakh of Armenian Dashnaks begins, and with successful battles, Turkish-Azerbaijani soldiers enter Shusha and raise the Azerbaijani flag in the city.

More on the Baku TV plot:

Who will run Baku? – Tensions between Nuru Pasha and Rasulzadeh

Who will run Baku? – Tensions between Nuru Pasha and Rasulzadeh


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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