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HomeWho would Israelis vote for in the US election? According to poll...

Who would Israelis vote for in the US election? According to poll data

According to a recent poll commissioned by Channel 12, if Israelis were able to vote in the US presidential election, a majority would support Republican candidate Donald Trump.

The Telegram channel “Today in Israel” writes that the study showed that 58% of respondents would give their vote to the former US president, while only 25% would support Vice President Kamala Harris, representing the Democratic Party. The remaining 17% found it difficult to choose and could not give a definitive answer.

The poll also found that a significant portion of Israelis (43%) would prefer Israel to hold new elections now. Another 19% of respondents would like to see opposition leaders Yair Lapid and Benny Gantz in government instead of current ministers Itamar Ben Gvir and Bezalel Smotrich.

However, 28% of survey participants expressed a preference for maintaining the existing government.

Previously, Cursor reported on what awaits Israel if Harris becomes US president.

A possible Kamala Harris presidency raises many questions about how she will build relations with Israel. With the increasing polarization of the American political scene, analysts predict that this could seriously affect the future of cooperation between the two countries.

Harris has repeatedly expressed support for Israel’s right to self-defense and condemned the actions of the Hamas terrorist group. However, her statements are often accompanied by reservations intended to accommodate the positions of anti-Israel forces within the Democratic Party. While acknowledging the need to protect Israel, Harris also expressed concern about the number of Palestinian casualties and called for an immediate ceasefire. This balance raises concerns that her policies could weaken Israel’s position while simultaneously creating the conditions for the restoration of Hamas and increased tensions in the region.

Republicans, including Donald Trump, are painting a bleak picture of Harris’s presidency, arguing that her administration will be influenced by anti-Israel forces. In their view, this could endanger Israel’s security. Concerns are growing over likely changes in US attitudes toward Iran and Palestinian groups, which could weaken international support for the Jewish state.

Given the ongoing conflicts with Hamas, as well as potential threats from Hezbollah and Iran, the future of US-Israel relations appears uncertain. Whether the Harris administration will continue its pro-Israel policy or take a more critical approach remains an open question that has raised concerns among Israel’s supporters both in the United States and within Israel itself.


Staven Smith
Staven Smith
I am a professional article writer, I have 7 years of experience writing stories, news, blogs and more.


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