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HomeBreaking NewsWhy and how does drug poisoning occur?

Why and how does drug poisoning occur?

In July 2024, 74 people were admitted to the Toxicology Department of the Clinical Medical Center due to poisoning. 32 people admitted to the department were poisoned with drugs. It should be noted that 56 of the patients admitted to the department during the month of April suffered poisoning from the drug. Why and how does drug poisoning occur?

“Caspian” The newspaper sought answers to these and other questions in its next article.

“We should not risk our health”

Pharmacologist Aydin Aliyev, associate professor at the Department of Pharmacology at Azerbaijan Medical University, says drug poisoning is related to several factors. The quality of the preparations, improper storage of the medicine, the expiration date are the most important factors: “It is possible that the products we bring from abroad are of poor quality. When the patient buys the medicine at the pharmacy, he must “Pay attention to its useful life. You have to ask about the quality of the medicine, get information from the company. We must ask ourselves these questions when purchasing a medication that we should not throw away.”

“We find cases of death”

According to A. Aliyev, taking medication without a doctor’s supervision can also put our lives at risk: “People can have serious illnesses and it is possible that medication taken without a doctor’s advice can have a negative effect on the disease. Especially in people with liver diseases, diabetes, allergies, with cases of death. It is also possible that the drug is not prescribed correctly. If blood clotting drugs are not used correctly, patients may buy the drug in. the advertisements they take. Sometimes they take several medications together. There may be sensitivity to some medications.

Consequences of parental neglect

Aynur Mammadova, a toxicologist at the Department of Toxicology at the Clinical Medical Center, says that poisoning occurs in both adults and children: “But drug poisoning occurs mainly in children. The reason is that medicines are stored in one place. accessible, they take drugs around children and do not explain to them. Children also understand that drug poisoning is more dangerous. We always warn parents not to have drugs on hand. In adults, drug poisoning is more likely. occur in the form of suicide Recently, the number of suicides has increased. They are mostly adolescents.

Savings can be achieved with early intervention

According to A. Mammadova, medicines can deteriorate due to people’s carelessness: “Poisoning of medicines does not occur due to quality. So far we have not found any such cases. It simply happens sometimes that people do not store medicines in proper conditions. When exposed to sunlight or cold. In this case, the medicine to be stored deteriorates when left in hot conditions. Nausea and discomfort occur in the patient when taking these medicines. , it is necessary to store the medications in the indicated order on them.

The toxicologist pointed out that drug poisoning can cause death. But this happens in random cases: “In most cases, if the patient quickly goes to the doctor, we can intervene and get out of the situation. The main risk group is children, pregnant women and people with concomitant somatic diseases “In patients with diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, dialysis, serious chronic diseases lead to serious situations.”

When taking drugs with alcoholic beverages, energy drinks…

Therapist Subhan Hajiyev says it is possible for older people to take medications by mistake. Sometimes, due to not seeing well, or due to confusion and forgetfulness, there are cases like: “In addition, older people take several medications at the same time because they have a chronic illness. When they take medications with various alcoholic beverages or energy drinks, instead of water, they enter into a chemical reaction and become poisoned, producing symptoms.

According to the therapist, symptoms of poisoning include gastrointestinal disorders, vomiting, diarrhea, dizziness, weakness, etc. It is possible to experience death in a matter of minutes. This is more common with antibiotics and certain pain relievers.

If you encounter these cases, you should definitely go to the hospital and the toxicology department. Because the first 12 and 24 hours are very important in these patients. Being under medical supervision is very important for your future life. “Sometimes, it is not medicine, but negligence that can take people’s lives.”


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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