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why are they late?

Many of us are late to live the life we ​​were promised. We were born when the applause rang out and the audience rose from their seats. But we still have time to live a life like never before. No clocks, no marked lines, no elitist protocols or imposed ties. A life in which we can enjoy everything despite everything. Colectivo &c, in collaboration with &Rosàs and Tangoº, worked for Royal Bliss on its new brand campaign aimed at connecting with the millennial lifestyle.

Born to live It is a very cathartic campaign, full of irony, which exposes the reality and the millennial feelings. preview generational that served as a starting point to value their attitude and their way of redressing their situation to make the most of life. “What we seek with this campaign is to connect, from our principles and truths, with a young audience and their search for new ways to have fun. Royal Bliss is thus positioned as the alternative to the norm, the modern against the classic and the new against the usual,” explains Elena Baz, Senior Manager In Coca-Cola Company.

To Isaac Olivier, Chief Creative Officer de &Rosàs, “the campaign was born from a preview This affects the entire millennial generation, who feel that what other generations promised and experienced is not a reality for them and that, therefore, they are late to everything: to employment, to economic and family stability.

For this generation, the new sophistication is not about being elegant or wearing expensive clothes, but rather about a state of mind, an attitude and a way of life that makes them rise above the complicated reality in which they find themselves. “This generation was born late in many ways, but it arrived just in time to enjoy a better life in social, leisure or equality aspects, which will lead it to understand success and sophistication in a different way, to break the inherited protocol, free itself from imposed norms and find other ways where living is above all. This has been one of the great strategic conclusions of the campaign”, David Rodríguez, Strategy Director of Tangoº.

Royal Bliss has proposed that an entire generation stop thinking that it is too late to live and appreciate the small moments with a wide range of mixers designed to give that point of sophistication to the reign of our own lives. In addition, during this month of July, they have joined Restless culture and Sofar to create different unique and irreplaceable experiences to enjoy life and express yourself with a cocktail in hand.

Experiences to live and enjoy

On July 4, his version of the song was presented we were born lateled by Sandra Delaporte and Rayden, who launched a series of activities aimed at spreading culture and enjoying the moment. we were born late It is also the title of the original song of the video, written by &Rosàs and produced by Trafalgar 13. The first verses talk about the negative part of being born late. The second part reverses the discourse and brings out the good side: a freer generation, that does not warm its chair and does not leave its life for later. The biggest version was that of Sandra Delaporte and Rayden.

The campaign, in addition to presenting itself with a placelived on social networks, external media and various experiences, giving continuity and coherence to the strategy developed between the two agencies. The next event was a painting workshop, discussions and meetings Restless culture which took place on the 9th of the same month. But this series of cultural and leisure meetings, with the thought that what is worthy is not to work, but to get out of work, still continues: we are not late for them.

On July 16, we were able to have fun with a summer cinema session at La Casa Encendida between 8:00 p.m. and 12:30 a.m. An activity that many know, but had not been able to experience until then in such a unique place, and with the possibility of enjoying The great beauty by Paolo Sorrentino accompanied by your favorite Royal Bliss combination.

The next day, July 17, at Vincci The Mint Hotel and from 7:30 p.m. to 10:00 p.m., Sofar proposed a plan to enjoy with friends and a surprise concert. Activity that was repeated on July 22 at Cloudworks and on July 23 at Spolia Haus, both at the same time and with free admission until capacity is reached.

Finally, on July 30, a movie night took place and word at La Casa Encendida in Madrid, organized by Cultura Inquieta. The event, which took place from 8:30 pm to midnight, was an invitation from Royal Bliss and Cultura Inquieta to experience a unique evening of film screenings and poetry.

Tickets can be booked via Coca-Cola app.


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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