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Why can’t we get enough food? – Doctor reveals how to kill hunger.

“The main problem with overeating is that the feeling of satiety does not appear immediately, but the signal of satiety reaches the brain with a delay. During this time, the person eats more than necessary.”

Oku.AzAccording to Izvestia, a Russian nutritionist and expert in healthy nutrition Tatyana Meshcheryakova spoke about this.

He said that when a person eats less, fatigue, dizziness and lack of energy appear, and a protective reaction is activated in the body that reduces the speed of metabolic processes in order to save energy.

“Maybe that’s why we find it difficult to control overeating,” the doctor explained.

According to him, the fact that a person constantly overeats can only be understood after a certain period of time by persistent overweight or a gradual weight gain of 1 to 3 kg per month.

“Anxiety and heaviness after eating are typical results of this process. Another sign is regular belching during meals. This indicates that the person has already eaten too much,” Meshcheryakova says.

A dietician explains that the desire to overeat can be due to various reasons: avoiding dry and liquid foods, lack of sleep, rest and nutrition, excessive consumption of food since childhood, family habits, stress and depression, frequent meals, overeating in a hurry, no feeling of hunger and automatic intake of food without involvement in the process itself, etc. He said that it was caused by

Mesheryakova listed four ways to avoid overeating:

The first of them is the expectation of the water regime. According to the doctor, drinking enough water during the day (30 ml per 1 kg of weight) leads to a reduction and normalization of the volume of food intake.

Reduce your salt and sugar intake. Meshcheryakova warned that it has been scientifically proven that these products increase appetite.

Eat food without rushing. The nutritionist pointed out that food should be chewed slowly and with quality.

“It is important to try to chew food carefully so that it remains in a “liquid” form in the mouth and not try to swallow it immediately without tasting it first. It is necessary to wait at least 30 minutes before eating,” Kekim said.

Anticipation of healthy asceticism. Meshcheryakova advised to voluntarily abandon “junk” food from foods that potentially harm the body, including fried potatoes, products containing trans fats, fried products, products with dairy fat substitutes, semi-finished meat products, canned food with complex ingredients, products with a long shelf life or should be limited.

“It is necessary to choose simple, healthy and fresh foods: soups, whole grain porridges, vegetable side dishes, light vegetable salads,” the doctor concluded.


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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