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HomeBreaking NewsWhy did Bahruz Samadov work for the Armenians? - INVESTIGATION

Why did Bahruz Samadov work for the Armenians? – INVESTIGATION

Bahruz Valeh oghlu Samadov is remembered among active users of social networks as a member of the subversive group known as “No War”.

The members of this group always tried to show themselves as supporters of peace and opponents of war, and in critical times for our country they mainly defended the Armenians and Armenia’s aggression against Azerbaijan and supported the separatists in Karabakh. Although the brightest face of the group we call “No War” is a boy named Giyas Ibrahimov, Bahruz Samadov did not stand behind him in the main periods. Moreover, Bahruz Samadov has always shown that he is on the same front as Javid Agha, who presents himself as a representative of the liberal worldview, who insults and belittles national identity and values ​​at every opportunity, and Samad Shikhi, who has the same worldview and provocative character. The true essence of such a network, which tirelessly exploits such universal positive values ​​as pacifism and tolerance, is unmistakably national identity, national mentality and action against the sovereign development of Azerbaijan. They used various events with the intention of provoking in order to achieve their objectives at each moment.

Why did Bahruz Samadov work for the Armenians? – INVESTIGATION

Why did Bahruz Samadov work for the Armenians? – INVESTIGATION

Unfortunately, Bahruz Samadov’s anti-Azerbaijani activity on social networks and support for Armenian invaders and separatists did not remain only in words – statuses, speeches, debates. It has been established that since 2020, i.e. since the period of the Patriotic War, he has been in contact with representatives of the special services bodies of the Republic of Armenia and citizens of that country who cooperated with them. Some of them were Irina Safaryan, Lilit Shahverdiyan, Sossi Tatikyan and others. Lilit Shahverdiya is one of the people we mentioned. This girl from the Karabakh region, then occupied by Azerbaijan, received a master’s degree from the Institute of Political Studies in Paris. Even the French ambassador to Armenia, Olive Decotini, congratulated him on her account “X” on the occasion of his admission to the institute. Decotini’s special relationship with Lilit Shahverdiyan is also interesting. Considering that the Armenian Special Intelligence Service was founded and developed by France, it is clear that Lilit was not accidentally involved in the Armenian special services. Bahruz Samadov, on the instructions of the citizens of the Republic of Armenia, collected information about the important processes taking place in the border regions of the Republic of Azerbaijan with the Republic of Armenia and the Karabakh economic region and presented it to those people. He prepared information and shared it on various accounts on social media platforms, including during correspondence with Irina Safaryan, who works for the special services bodies of the Republic of Armenia, through the mobile application “WhatsApp”, Safaryana told Safaryana about the processes in Karabakh and other regions, the situation related to the return of internally displaced persons to the territories liberated from occupation. He was also tasked with collecting and sending information about construction works and other issues in those areas. Bahruz Samadov collected all possible information about these tasks and sent it to Irina Safaryan. During the correspondence of Lilit Shahverdiyan, who cooperates with the special services bodies of the Republic of Armenia, on the channel “Lilit Stepanakert”, Bahruz Samadov, who received a specific task from Shahverdiyan, collected information about the citizen of the Republic of Azerbaijan, to whom the photo was sent, and sent it to Armenia in order to alienate the Republic of Azerbaijan, spy on the state, betray the State of Azerbaijan by helping the organizations and representatives of a foreign state.

In addition, a person named Yegiya Tashkhyan, who cooperated with the Armenian special services, who was tasked with collecting information about the activities of Russian peacekeepers stationed in Karabakh during the time of Bahruz Samadov and the notable processes taking place in the region, as well as radical religious trends in Azerbaijan, including the activities and members of the criminal group “Husseiniyyun” presented the extensive information he collected as part of his assignment. Bahruz Samadov was detained as a suspect on August 21, 2024, and on August 23, 2024, he was arrested for 4 months under Article 274 (treason) of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

Bahruz Samadov’s activity against the Republic of Azerbaijan is not limited to what we have mentioned. Other activities carried out by him also prove that subversive activities and hostility towards Azerbaijan are his main pillar. He participated in the event organized by the Armenian diaspora in Prague, Czech Republic, on the topic “Ethnic cleansing in Karabakh by the Azerbaijani state, destruction of Armenian cultural heritage”, and expressed opinions that served the interests of the Armenian state and were directed against our country, including that he was the founder of the “SAMQ” event and wrote messages to the “Telegram” group saying “I am ashamed of my national identity and my blood, I apologize to you for what Azerbaijanis have done to Armenians.” “The only positive movement in Azerbaijan should be directly against the state and identity called Azerbaijan” and organized propaganda against the state.

Bahruz Samadov also participated in another event organized by the Armenian Church in Prague, Czech Republic, on May 26, 2024, for the same purpose, where he spoke from the same position.

During the investigations it became known that Bahruz Samadov, the director of the “Baku Research Institute”, former professor of Baku State University Altay Goyushov, who has been living abroad for several years and conducting a smear campaign against Azerbaijan, is the “National Fund for Support of Democracy” managed by the special services of one of the Western countries, namely, they met with NED employee Dauvel Austin Ellsworth on April 15, 2024 in Prague and agreed to work together against the state policy of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

At this point, it would be appropriate to mention the identity and essence of Altay Goyushov. Altay Goyushov is the person who always tried to show the weakness of the Azerbaijani state and its army, and tried to root the society into surrender by instilling that Azerbaijan cannot liberate its lands from occupation. The Internet is full of his stupid and foolish statements. But we can say a lot just by presenting this famous speech of his here…

Yes, it is clear as day why Altay Goyushov is so supportive of Bahruz Samadov.

On June 18-21 this year, Bahruz Samadov and Altay Goyushov met again within the framework of the “Araz” conference, which reflected the current situation between Azerbaijan and Armenia, held in Manchester, Great Britain, with the financial support of the European Union. He connected with Dubov. Subsequently, Bahruz Samadov met with Dubov in Georgia on July 17, 2024, within the framework of cooperation with representatives of the NED, on the socio-political processes taking place in the country with the aim of discrediting and weakening the position of the state. Azerbaijan’s power in the international world will be celebrated on September 1 this year and information will be presented on preparations for parliamentary elections, candidates, the current situation of the opposition, possible government intervention, political prisoners, Azerbaijan’s strength, plans and intentions in the international world. the President of Azerbaijan.

Bahruz Samadov, realizing that his destructive activities were exposed, attempted to go to Prague on August 23, 2024 to escape arrest with a plane ticket purchased electronically by Ben Dudov.

It became known that Bahruz Samadov presented biased anti-Azerbaijani materials to German citizen Sonya Schiffers, director of the South Caucasus region of the German foundation “Heinrich Böll”, and agreed to cooperate in a number of planned activities against our country on the eve of COP29.

Moreover, Bahruz Samadov wrote provocative and biased materials against Azerbaijan on the said website on the instructions and payments of Justin Burke, secretary of the EurasiaNet news portal, and agreed to carry out a black PR campaign against our country in October this year before the COP29 event. It should also be noted that the “EurasiaNet” portal is directly funded by the Soros Foundation, and the root of this resource’s enthusiasm for anti-Azerbaijani activities originates from here.

It was developed by the international peace platforms “Caucasus Talk” in October 2020 and “Bright Garden Voices” in September 2022, which openly declared in the international world that the Armenians were right in not considering the Khojaly tragedy as a genocide and demanding an end to Bahruz Valeh oghlu Samadov, who signed tendentious statements calling for the state, was born on April 29, 1995 in Baku. Both parents were drug users. His parents divorced in 2002. His mother committed suicide in 2013 due to mental problems, and his father died of drug addiction in 2021. Bahruz Samadov was sheltered by his maternal grandmother, Zibeyda Osmanov, who was known as someone with a radical opposition worldview.

He graduated from the “Philology” faculty of the Baku branch of the Lomonosov Moscow State University named after Lomonosov, graduated from the “International Relations” faculty of the Central European University founded and funded by George Soros in Hungary and is currently pursuing his Ph.D. studies at the “Political Sciences” faculty of Karlov University in the Czech Republic. It is impossible not to be angered by Bahruz Samadov’s deep and contagious hatred of his nation and state.


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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