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Why did Ruslan Nasirov, the actor who died on his own date, never marry?

A new episode of the Baku TV show “Retro Baku” has been released. This episode of the show is dedicated to the late actor Ruslan Nasirov.

He was born in 1974 in Baku. For the first time in 1984 he played the role of Sadiq in the film “The Tale of a Lonely Pomegranate” directed by Abdul Mahmudbayov and Hasanaga Turabov. Ruslan Nasirov’s performance in this film impressed the actors of the time and successfully took the first step in his career.

In 1991, the film “Window”, directed by Hasan Abluj and Anvar Abluj according to the script of Isi Malikzade, was one of the most successful cinematographic works of R. Nasirov. The actor who played the role of the nomad in this film did it so skillfully that the actress Simuzar Atakishiyeva, who played the role of Narmina in the scene of “The arrest of the nomad”, actually shed tears. Despite the insistence of his family and friends, R. Nasirov did not start a family. He explained this issue as follows: “My life is short. Why should I make someone’s child unhappy ?!”. Once, in the dubbing studio, the actress told Venera Abbasova that she would die at the age of 40. It happened as the actor said. Ruslan Nasirov died on March 6, 2015 due to liver problems.

In the detailed plot:

Why did Ruslan Nasirov, the actor who died on his own date, never marry?

Why did Ruslan Nasirov, the actor who died on his own date, never marry?


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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