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HomeLatest NewsWhy does the freezer smell bad if everything is fine inside?

Why does the freezer smell bad if everything is fine inside?

We couldn’t do without the freezer or the refrigerator. These are two of the essential appliances in the kitchen. However, despite their importance, we often tend to forget about them and only remember them when there is a power outage or a breakdown, because it means that everything we have stored in them can be spoiled.

The last thing we want is to open the freezer door and let out a blast of cold air accompanied by an unpleasant smell, which will tell us that something is wrong and that, even at -18ºC, something can come to life. If we are lucky, we will quickly find the source of the smell and be able to eliminate it. But if the smell persists after eliminating the culprit, it will be time to clean it.

But why does the freezer smell bad if, after taking a look inside, you don’t see anything strange? Even though a freezer is designed to keep perishable foods fresh and safe by slowing down the growth of microbes, bacteria, yeast and mold, it is not immune to unpleasant odors, which can be caused by several factors.

Microbes, the main culprits

We already know that the freezer has the ability to significantly reduce the growth of most microbes that cause food to spoil and therefore take longer to decompose, although the freezing process does not suspend decomposition indefinitely. This can happen, for example, if there is a power outage for more than a few hours or if we place something hot directly into the freezer.

One of the most common reasons why the freezer smells bad is due to the uncontrolled deterioration of food, which when decomposed releases volatile organic compounds (VOCs), present in organic matter, and which release the fats and vapors that the food gives off during the process.

Food spills and open containers also provide a golden opportunity for germs to grow. If food is not properly sealed, such as poorly covered trays or bags, it can absorb odors from other foods, creating a mixture of unpleasant odors that linger inside the freezer.

Another element that could cause the formation of unpleasant odors is the rupture of the cartons in which some of the products we buy in the supermarket are often found, with the consequence of the release of the product, which will end up mixing with the ice cream.

It should be kept in mind that some microbes, although they remain dormant during freezing, will start to grow again if we partially defrost them and put them back in the freezer. Therefore, it is not advisable to refreeze food that has already defrosted.

Freezer burns are also usually another cause of bad odors. In this case, it should be kept in mind that they occur when food is not properly stored in an airtight container, causing it to dehydrate and form ice crystals that can pass from solid to gaseous, making food dry and more susceptible to microbial growth and bad odors.

There are other causes that could explain the reason for the bad smell, such as incidents without cleaning. Who has never dropped a little sauce or soup while putting it in the freezer? These small defects, if not cleaned, can quickly become the main source of unpleasant odors.

It is important to note that ice is a significant absorber of odors, and sometimes also flavors, from its environment. Therefore, if we drink a drink with ice and it tastes bad, it is possible that the taste comes from inside the freezer, where there is surely something wrong.

What to do to stop the freezer from smelling bad

Preventing the freezer from smelling bad is not a complicated task, although it requires keeping certain actions in mind. The first thing to do is to place the food in airtight containers, preferably glass, in order to significantly reduce the release of aromatic compounds produced by bacteria and even by the food itself. If we cover them well, we also reduce the chances that they absorb the odors and flavors of those who are next to them.

It is also essential to avoid the formation of ice on the walls because it prevents the proper transmission of cold and can therefore have negative effects on the food. How to achieve this? Open the door only when necessary and check that the rubber seals close well and are in good condition, which prevents air from entering inside.

But what if the freezer already smells bad before doing all this? How can we eliminate this problem? A thorough cleaning will be our great ally here. And to do this, the first thing we will have to do is remove all the food from the freezer and check that it does not have any damage or freezer burn. We will also get rid of anything that contains ice crystals and we will put the good foods in the refrigerator while we take care of the freezer.

Once everything is empty, we can remove the shelves and clean any spills and food remains that may have remained. We can use warm water and soap or a mixture of two tablespoons of baking soda with warm water. When everything is clean, we will let it dry well before putting the food back. A useful measure is to date the food we store. It would not be advisable to keep most foods in the freezer for more than six months, although some types of meat can be kept for up to a year.

If despite everything we have done, the bad smells do not disappear, it is very likely that the freezer needs a deep cleaning that will require us to turn it off and leave it unplugged for a few days and open so that it can air out.


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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