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HomeBreaking NewsWhy is the water problem in Khatai district not being resolved?

Why is the water problem in Khatai district not being resolved?

For years, there has been a water problem on 5 Ahmedli Street in the Ahmedli settlement of the Khatai district of Baku.

Residents say that they have problems with water in all seasons of the year. But in summer sometimes the water does not arrive for days. They repeatedly turned to the relevant institution about the problem. However, they were not satisfied with the response they received from the institution, nor with the activities of the institution.

Regarding the problem, the Joint Water Supply Service of Large Cities told “Khazar Khabar” that there is currently no problem with the supply of drinking water in the 5th Ahmedli Street, Ahmadli settlement of Khatai district. Only in some cases the water is supplied at low pressure.

The reason for the current problem is the water pipes that were once built by the retail population, which makes it difficult to supply water at high pressure. Currently, new projects are being implemented in areas where there is no drinking water network in the Ahmadli settlement. The implementation of the projects will serve to improve the supply of drinking water to subscribers.

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Why is the water problem in Khatai district not being resolved?

Why is the water problem in Khatai district not being resolved?


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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