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HomeBreaking News“WiFi is restricted for security reasons”

“WiFi is restricted for security reasons”

General Guillermo García del Barrio says that in recent days his men have spent more time in the bunkers of the Lebanon base than on the surface. That the 650 Spanish soldiers have reinforced security measures to protect themselves from the bombs between Hezbollah and Israel. They barely have underground Wi-Fi, limited for their own safety. And they receive many calls from people from the towns near the Miguel de Cervantes base and their families, inquiring about their situation. “We have prepared ourselves and they need us more than ever. We are happy. We are proud to represent Spain.”

The general is the head of the brigade of UNIFIL (United Nations Mission in Lebanon) Sector Eastand this Wednesday, he published a message to make known the situation of the troops in the midst of an escalation of hostilities between the Lebanese terrorist militia and the Israeli Armed Forces (IDF).

The general explained that security measures “are established according to the situation.” These translate into three levels: Level 1 marks the obligation to wear personal protective equipment – bulletproof vest and helmet – always at hand; Level 2 involves housing all personnel in the nearest United Nations post and wearing protective equipment; and Level 3 involves moving to the bunkers that exist in the different positions.

In recent weeks, before the increase in bombings, during patrols carried out near the separation line between Israel and Lebanon, Spanish soldiers have always They travelled in armoured vehicles. “Never alone, always in permanent contact with the base.”

Specific practice of the patrol leaders of the Unifil mission in Lebanon, commanded by Spain.

Defense Staff

After the attacks of the last few days, General del Barrio affirms that “The measures have been increased, mainly in the time we have spent in levels 2 or 3.” This is in order to always give priority to your safety.

“In a military mission, there is no such thing as zero risk,” explains the general commanding the Spanish force. His message has a reassuring undertone when he warns that the two opposing parties are leaving them out of the bombings.

“However, it must be taken into account that the United Nations is not the objective of any of the parties; Israel and Lebanon have accepted our presence where we deploy. Furthermore, thanks to our work, southern Lebanon has experienced one of the longest periods of peace in its history,” the general continued.

Spanish soldiers have been carrying out regular joint patrols with the Lebanese Armed Forces (LAF) in the previous months. General García del Barrio explains that until September 23, 15 percent of the Brigade’s operational activities were carried out in collaboration with the army.

“The coordination of our activities has been constant and our relations with them have always been excellent. In addition, we have army liaison officers who work permanently alongside us in our base. Since that date, however, our patrols have been limited to the strict minimum and, consequently, our activities have been reduced.”

However, the general said that when this limitation ends, we will resume our joint patrols with them for the benefit of our mission.”

Contact with families

The head of the Eastern sector highlighted the preparation of each member of the contingent. “During the six months of preparation in Spain before the deployment, We are preparing specifically for this missionin particular by putting our efforts into preparing ourselves to face the situations we are currently experiencing. The current situation therefore does not surprise us, which does not mean that it does not concern us.

Spanish soldiers are particularly concerned about the situation of the civilian population, exposed to attacks from both sides. “I can assure you
that we feel their misfortunes as our own” said the Spanish general.

The contingent’s soldiers are also concerned about how Spanish families are receiving news of everything that has been happening in Lebanon in recent weeks. The situation is increasingly critical. “We are also concerned about their fate, especially the information they may receive about the conditions in which we carry out our work.”

Soldiers have free internet access at the military base. All members of the Brigade can send messages and make calls or video calls with their mobile phones or other electronic means completely free of charge and without limitations. “Contact with families is assured and permanent.”

The only time they lose contact is when they go down into the bunkers to protect themselves. Something that is becoming more and more common. “Civilian means of communication such as WiFi are restricted for our safety. We know that this can worry our families, but they all have to understand that It’s for our safety and they shouldn’t worry; even though we are very
aware that sometimes it is not easy for them.




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