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HomeLatest NewsWildcat protection advances with the support of Queen Sofia in the Palentina...

Wildcat protection advances with the support of Queen Sofia in the Palentina Mountains, an “exceptional habitat”

The Higher Council for Scientific Research (CSIC) is carrying out a important project in the Palentina mountainin collaboration with the Reina Sofía Foundation, to protect and guarantee the survival of the wildcat (Felis silvestris). It is a feline present in Europe, Asia and Africa that is characterized by a dense grayish coat that helps it camouflage. It is somewhat more robust than the domestic cat and is an endangered species in the Iberian Peninsula.

It is estimated that its population in the north of the province of Palencia is “much more abundant” than in the rest of the national territory, which favors its study and observation. “In general, felines are difficult to work because they live in wooded areas and this makes them difficult to observe. However, we can affirm that This area is quite exceptional. As it is an open area, it allows us to access the animal, something that is practically impossible elsewhere. In addition, we suspect that the population could be much higher than that of the rest of the Iberian Peninsula since, sometimes, we see two or three different specimens on the same day. “This makes us think that the number of specimens is higher than average,” explained Paco Palomares, research professor at CSIC and principal investigator of the project.

“A quantitative leap”

This task started in 2016 but since last year, it has had the support of the Reina Sofía Foundation. “Your collaboration is reassuring, but we would need more support. However, thanks to this support, we have been able to make a quantitative and qualitative leap in our objectives,” he stressed. Precisely, to know the progress of the research, Queen Sofia visited Cervera de Pisuerga (Palencia) to support the project. He did so as president of the Foundation that bears his name, at a private event held at the local Parador.

There, he was able to see for himself the natural habitat of this protected species and learn more about this project, which aims to study the threats that the wild cat faces, such as hybridization with domestic cats, population loss and mortality caused by dog ​​attacks, infectious diseases or road accidents. “The habitat is adequate and the health is good but there are still aspects that worry us. Our goal, by 2028, is ensure the survival of the species“In addition, we want to acquire enough knowledge so that the Administration can promote measures that facilitate its conservation,” they stressed at the CSIC.

For this reason, among others, annual censuses are carried out on the population as well as on the mole rat, which is its main source of food. Cat excrement is also analyzed to study their diet, the level of hybridization or even the possible presence of diseases. This project also aims to raise awareness among the local population of the need to protect this animal through information or education campaigns.

Palomares also highlighted the growing interest of tourists to visit areas where the presence of wild cats is greater. “It would be positive to lay the foundations to prevent tourism from becoming invasive and turning something positive into something counterproductive,” the researcher said. “You can see it at any time, although there are more favorable times. If you want to see them, it is best to go early in the morning or late in the afternoon,” he concluded.

Tenth visit

This is the tenth visit that Queen Sofia has made to Palencia, a province that she visited for the first time in 1964. At that time, she toured the streets of the capital and the region of La Nava in the company of King Juan Carlos. Their second visit took place 14 years later, when in 1978 they visited the capital and the towns of Paredes, Monzón, Cascón and Villamuriel where the Renault factory opened.

A factory to which they returned in 1997 when they also took the opportunity to inaugurate the Buenos Aires School in the city. The last joint official visit of the two monarchs was in 1999, coinciding with the seventh edition of the Ages of Man in the Cathedral.

From there, the Queen Emeritus visited Palencia alone. In 1988, he went to Aguilar de Campoo to present the Europa Nostra Prize to Peridis. In 1993, he attended the reopening of the Teatro Principal and a year later, he attended the world premiere of the cantata La Bella Desconocida, which Claudio Prieto dedicated to him.

In addition, Queen Sofía attended the reopening of the archaeological site of La Olmeda in 2009 and in 2018 she will return to Aguilar de Campoo to participate in the inauguration of Mons Dei, the 23rd edition of the Ages of Man. This time, the Queen is expected to spend the night at the Parador de Cervera.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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