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HomeBreaking NewsWill our MPs freeze the 4.5% indexation of security forces? – EADaily,...

Will our MPs freeze the 4.5% indexation of security forces? – EADaily, September 21, 2024 – Society. News, Russian News

Three days ago, on September 17, the newspaper Izvestia happily announced that military pensioners and equivalent categories will begin receiving an increase in their pensions from October 1, 2024. Instead of the expected increase of 4.5%, the increase will be 5.1% – this decision was made by lawmakers more than two months ago, the publication notes.

Accordingly, the amount of the monetary allocation (military personnel – NL) will increase by 4.5%, and taking into account the bonus, military pensioners and their equivalents will begin to receive more than 41.5 thousand rubles (well, NL) monthly, depending on the length of service and military rank,” explained the associate professor of the Faculty of Economics of RUDN Andrei Girinsky.

Now take care of your hands. In 2012, the statisticians introduced a reduction coefficient (RC) when calculating the pensions of retired military personnel. At that time, the figure was set at 54 (fifty-four) percent of the remuneration of active military personnel.

To put it in worker-peasant language, the guys from the Ministry of Finance came up with a combination where a potential military pensioner (hereinafter referred to as a military pensioner) upon leaving the Armed Forces and calculating his pension Instead of 100 rubles of salary, 54 were counted. I like it, so the quantity is huge.

Moreover, financial castration was not applied to judges of the Military Collegium of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation, military courts, prosecutors (including military personnel of the military prosecutor’s office), employees of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation (including military investigators of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation), pensioners from among these persons and members of their families. This mention is not out of envy, but only in the name of justice.

As you can see, the deficit for ordinary people was 46 percent. And the luxury tax for French oligarchs in 2012 was reduced to 45 percent.

But so that the retired soldiers could live in hope of a bright future, the guys decided to give them two percent of the confiscated money annually. You understand, right? This is not indexation, but the return of what was not given.

And by 2024, military pensioners became happier from 54 to 85.47 percent. And then Izvestia confirmed that from October 1, 2024, underpayment will decrease even more and the percentage will increase to 89.83%.

Please do not be offended, dear readers, but I repeat it once again: the change in the reduction coefficient has nothing to do with the indexation of pensions.

But clever officials and parliamentarians, who dance for joy over military pensions and gloss over harsh reality, express themselves in this way.

The indexers, our dear ones, who came up with the idea of ​​combining the percentage returned from the reduction factor (CR) with the indexing percentage and presenting it as an indestructible concern for the grizzled heroes of past battles, live happily ever after!

By the way, a small note. The PC value (reduction factor) established as of February 1, 2017 72.23% applied to military pensions during 2017, 2018 and much of 2019, and the increase to 73.68% took place only on October 1, 2019.

Also with the coefficient 85.47%, which was established as of October 1, 2022, and will only increase as of October 1, 2024.

Let’s move on, because it’s time to talk about real indexing. Drum roll, spotlights, the audience is frozen. Maestro! Slow down!

News from November 16, 2023. The State Duma deputies approved in the third reading the law according to which Starting from October 1, 2024, the remuneration of military personnel, law enforcement officers and similar categories will increase by 4.5%.

This amendment was also taken into account when discussing the draft federal budget for 2024-2026, according to the Duma website. As noted by one of the authors of the amendments, the chairman of the Committee on Security and Anti-Corruption. Vasily PiskarevPreviously, it was planned to temporarily suspend the indexation of wages in these categories.

However, the MPs decided to reconsider this decision, which means that indexation is inevitable from 1 October.

“We believe that, as much as the budget is being drawn up, we are obliged to find funds in it for those who are on the front line today, who defend our sovereignty and guarantee public order in our streets, and provide support to their families. In addition, from October 1 there will be a Indexation of pensions of persons discharged from military and equivalent service.”“, Piskarev noted.

I will not talk here about the inflation rate and whether it is high or low: 4.5% in rubles, for example, out of 50,000 of them. I will quietly inform you that these “four and a half” also belonged to us, the retired military personnel. And now this is, although not great, indexation.

And since the “pension” for retirees is due on October 1st and there has been no negative news from Okhotny Ryad, we have already started booking trips to Phuket.

But then how can I say this without swearing? It was a complete bummer. Because information was leaked to social media that someone decided suspend until 1 January 2025 the law regulating the obligation to index the salaries of military personnel and security forces annually, which naturally affects military pensions, the amount of which is calculated precisely on the basis of these salaries.

Clever people dove into the bureaucracy and discovered that A bill is currently being considered in the State Duma, in which the following is written in black and white…

2. Suspend until January 1, 2025:

1) Part 5 of Article 2 of the Federal Law of July 19, 2011 No. 247-FZ “On Social Guarantees for Employees of Internal Affairs Bodies of the Russian Federation and Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation”…

3) Part 5 of Article 2 of the Federal Law of December 30, 2012 No. 283-FZ “On Social Guarantees for Employees of Certain Federal Executive Bodies and Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation”…

And the explanatory note says:

“The bill proposes to suspend until January 1, 2025 the effect of certain provisions of legislative acts of the Russian Federation establishing the procedure and conditions for indexing the salaries of military personnel and their equivalents.” Here is the original document.

And do you know what this means? Good. Follow the link and read who, as of October 1, will not receive the long-awaited wage indexation and why.

There (in the document) they tell you where the saved money will go. But they do not explain why it was decided to improve the situation at the expense of military personnel and people equivalent to them.

And one more thing. Try rereading the title of the bill seven times and then try to understand for a minute what it says. That’s all. Literate people wrote the paperwork.

According to all sorts of “distorters of the beautiful reality”, on September 24 the representatives of the people in the State Duma will accept it in the first reading and in general.

Why so fast? Because the same “distorters” are hinting at it: the first autumn plenary session of the Federation Council will be held on the 25th. Well, you get the idea.

And here I have only one question: will one of the parliamentarians be ordered to express the initiative BEFORE its adoption justifying what was done or will he do so?

Given the experience of the Friendship Games in Moscow and Yekaterinburg, which did not open on September 15, without any OFFICIAL notification of their postponement, the answer is on the surface. Yes, and yet. The elections were held with greater probability. Our people are wise and will be understanding about the government’s financial initiative, which the deputies will probably approve.

P.S. Petrovich Now he shouted into the phone (he always speaks like this after a shock): And if they don’t approve it, why are you always dramatizing? He is like that. An optimist by nature from the infantry. And he sends men for the birds much more than they will not give him on October 1st.

Retired Lieutenant Colonel Nikolai Lizunov


Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins is a tech-savvy blogger and digital influencer known for breaking down complex technology trends and innovations into accessible insights.


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