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With 47 deputies, the Republicans “cannot impose” their policy, warns MoDem

At the “L’Huma” Festival, the four parties of the New Popular Front compete in calls to maintain the “unity” of the left

Saturday, at the party of HumanityAt a round table meeting in Brétigny-sur-Orge (Essonne), in the early afternoon, in front of a thousand people, the four leaders of the four parties of the New Popular Front (NFP) gave four united speeches.

In order of appearance, Marine Tondelier (Les Ecologistes) welcomed the celebration of the Fête de Humain which he saw a “moment of unity and resistance”like the PFN, “our most valuable asset”. “Barnier or not, this will continue “he said, referring to the left-wing union. “But it’s going to be complicated, we’re not going to lie to ourselves, he added. This is the commitment I am making: there will need to be a single candidacy in 2027. Those who believe that this is impossible – and they have the right to do so – are asked not to disturb those who try to do so. »

Fabien Roussel (French Communist Party) replied: “We have an immense responsibility. We must remain united, continue to work together to change France, to change people’s lives. We must preserve this unity as a common good. We are four forces with a history and proposals that unite us. With differences too. We must debate, but without invective and without insults, in order to convince more people. I will do everything possible to ensure that we remain united until the end.”

Standing out slightly, Manuel Bompard (La France insoumise) also reaffirmed that “Of course we must remain united, but there are things that must be done immediately. In the face of Emmanuel Macron’s coup, which was based on the result of the legislative elections, I suppose we must use all the means at our disposal. So: censorship, mobilization, dismissal. »

Finally, Olivier Faure (Socialist Party) considered that “The NFP does not erase all differences. But the NFP has succeeded in blocking the far right, in a magnificent reflection. I will advocate until the end to prolong this culture of unity.”

Earlier, there was a large crowd and applause at the Picardie Debout! stand to welcome François Ruffin, the former “rebel” who has been targeting Jean-Pierre for several days. The MP for the Somme discussed constitutional issues with Charlotte Girard, another former “rebel”, but did not comment on his tense relations with Mélenchon.

Laurent Telo


Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins is a tech-savvy blogger and digital influencer known for breaking down complex technology trends and innovations into accessible insights.


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