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Without a compass, the State navigates by sight

At the end of August, once again, there were gloomy faces and yellow laughter at the General Secretariat for Ecological Planning (SGPE). The “ceiling letter”, sent by Matignon to the Ministry of Ecological Transition to set its budget for 2025, provides for credit reductions in several sectors. Within this organization, under the authority of the Prime Minister and responsible for promoting and coordinating the government’s “green” policies, the impression prevails that there has been a “roll over”while the transition involves increasing – and considerably – the endowment. And we digest badly having been He warned at the last minute. One more tension, in a structure that is going through an existential crisis.

Since the summer, four members, including two of the deputy secretaries-general, out of around thirty full-time equivalents, have left or are about to do so. According to several sources, half a dozen more are hesitant to leave the structure, created in July 2022 by presidential decree. These departures occurred in the midst of a period of “suspended time” for the SGPE, in the kind words of one of its members. The electoral votes froze the publication of important documents, which have been burdensome for months, such as the multiannual energy programming (PPE), the new national low-carbon strategy (SNBC) and the third national plan for adaptation to climate change (Pnacc).

On 5 September, the announcement of Michel Barnier’s appointment plunged the SGPE into limbo even further. After Gabriel Attal, who was tight-lipped on climate issues, will the new Prime Minister have the will to tackle this growing issue? The Savoyard is of course a former Environment Minister (1993-1995), but he also comes from the Les Républicains party, a political family attached to techno-solutionism and opposed to spending, while France’s deficit amounts to 5.6% of GDP. national product.

Read also | Article reserved for our subscribers. Strategic documents in the fight against the climate crisis in France pending before the legislative elections

The next day, Antoine Pellion, Secretary General for Ecological Planning, shared on the social network But during this round table at the Nice Climate Summit, the future head of government also criticised the excess of rules and regulations. “We must be careful with this techno boom. (…) I say this very frankly: when bureaucrats take power, which happens very often, it is because politicians have left power to them.he said, turning to Mr. Pellion. It really does not bode well for the future.

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Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins is a tech-savvy blogger and digital influencer known for breaking down complex technology trends and innovations into accessible insights.


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