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HomeLatest NewsWithout brakes and descent into democratic deterioration

Without brakes and descent into democratic deterioration

It’s been a while since Pedro Sanchez has become a living example of the dangers that democratic systems harbor, what is happening is that it is now becoming evident because it dares to act without any restraint, without any control, without any limit to its capricious will. And it grows in its impunity, like the horse that challenges the novice rider with its somersaults, like the veteran soldier who takes advantage of the inexperience of the newly graduated commander, like the child who enslaves the new parents with his whims.

Sánchez’s antidemocratic drift began the moment he saw how easily he could break his promises and change his principles. At that moment, not only was Hobbes’ second natural law, which indicates the obligation to respect the commitments assumed and the pacts concluded, violated, but even the foundations of the Rousseau’s theory of the social pact.

There was therefore no need to wait to see how he would verbalize his contempt for Parliament and his aspiration to govern without its help, even if it is true that this last impudence may open the eyes of some skeptics. On this point, it is the French constitutionalist Pierre Avril who affirmed that the accountability of the Government to Parliament is the true cornerstone of parliamentarism, and that without this accountability, democratic legitimacy could not be diffused from the legislative power to the executive.

But the fault for reaching this situation is not Sanchez’s, or rather, it is not only Sanchez’s fault. It is innate to the poor human condition to take advantage of the weakness of others and, in the case of politicians and leaders, to extend their power where the system is not able to prevent them. That is why democracy must have the institutional capacity to defend itself against its own rulers and, therefore, it must not allow any politician to have more power than that which has been expressly conferred on it.

And this is the real tragedy: we have reached a point where there is no effective way to stop the process of degradation to which the president is subjecting our democratic system. None of the actors shows the capacity or the will to stop it. Almost all public institutes and organizations have already been colonized and are acting under the orders of the government; Judicialwhose independence is constantly under attack, political control has been imposed on it, through the Constitutional Court, which extends to its own jurisdictional actions; and Legislative power It is ignored or used, forming, where appropriate, false majorities for mafia practices.

Neither one nor the other constitutional political parties Those who defend liberal democracy (and they are not so many) manage to reverse the trend. The opposition, even if it channels the indignation with more or less success, sees its resources and protests exhausted in the institutional channels already controlled (Prosecutor, Legal Advisor, Constitutional Court, Lawyers and Congressional Council…). And those who are within Sanchism either aggravate the situation with their blackmail or, in the case of the PSOE, end up singing the verses that Calderon dedicated to the Tercios: “Here, the / most important feat is to obey / and the way it should be / is neither to ask nor to refuse.

As for the limited response capacity of citizens, the media or, in general, civil society, this is surely what explains why we have reached this point. An immature, uncritical and selfish mass, rooted in its sectarianism for prevent alternationshows that it does not have the training and level of development required for a society to be able to manage itself and not fall victim to autocrats and populists.

Sanchez therefore goes without brakes, accelerating the deterioration of democracy and coexistence; Just as he has already committed the atrocities he promised not to commit, in the near future he will promote those that he now tells us are impossible. What has been said, it takes us without brakes or descents and it is almost impossible for us to come out unscathed; mother without hands, mother without feet… mother without teeth!


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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