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HomeLatest NewsWithout ETA, but with Franco

Without ETA, but with Franco

The solidarity, consideration and affection that each of victims of terrorismI will respect those of them who denounce the image of their loved ones being part of a collage, like the one shown by the spokesperson of the PP, Miguel Tellado, in the Congress of Deputies.

Some relatives of the victims blamed him for this. No one has more right than their family to express the depth of their discontent, but I do not join in the criticisms made of the action of Saidhow much he denounces the amnesiac condescension of so many people who, in the socialist group, share the thesis according to which we must turn the page and send all the damage perpetrated by the terrorist group to the corner of oblivion.

ETA announced in October 2011 that it no longer uses weapons. The brutal toll of his fifty years of criminal activity is reflected in 853 assassinations, 3,500 attacks and more than 7,000 victims and more than a million Basques who left their homeland to flee terror. Despite some indecent attempts by socialist leaders to take sole responsibility for the end of ETA terrorism, it is more true that it is the juxtaposition of the efforts of the state security forces, of French collaboration after so much years of authorization, the efforts of our diplomacy, the justice system judging and condemning their crimes and the understanding of Spanish political groups on how the gang stopped killing.

The approval of our Constitution and the generous amnesty of the 1977 law, which also benefited terrorists, did not encourage them to stop assassinations, blackmail and extortion. They continued to do so and with more malice than they had shown up to that point. Thirteen years have passed since they stopped killing, but the trace of so many crimes and kidnappings, however interesting and fallacious the aim of their laundering may be, cannot and must not be that of magnanimity without compensation, as the minimum of repentance. , apologize to the victims and collaborate in clarifying the situation 379 crimeswhich ETA leaders continue to refuse to provide.

The mantra that the government of Pedro Sanchez What he says and repeats is that ETA now belongs to the past and has stopped killing, at the same time accusing those who remember its murderous past of intolerance. Sánchez said before last year’s legislative elections, and offered to repeat it twenty times to the journalist if necessary, “that he would not conclude an agreement with Bildu.” It was enough for him to prove that despite his defeat in the elections, he could remain in the presidency if he obtained the votes of Bildu, for him to be the protagonist of one of the most striking, cynical and scandalous changes of opinion with which the propaganda department of Moncloa continues to justify the lies, tricks and lies of your tenant.

The photos of socialist activists that Tellado showed from his headquarters sparked complaints from some of the victims’ relatives. The socialist spokesperson Patxi Lopez He called them one of the greatest indecencies seen in Congress. Listening to him, I remember the letter that Pilar Ruiz Albisu, mother of Joseba Pagazaurtundua, sent him in May 2005, on the second anniversary of the assassination of her son, a socialist activist and police chief. local of Andoáin. : “Patxi, I dared to tell you to think about the things that are really important: life and dignity. The defense of life, liberty and dignity is more important than the power or interests of the Socialist Party. You know very well that my son thought exactly like that. And of course, the defense of our dignity as a people in anti-terrorism policies is more important than maintaining the current allies of the Socialist Party, I tell you exactly what I think (…) I no longer have any doubts that you I will close my eyes and you will say and do many other things that will make my blood run cold, calling things by names that they are not. They will call your steps courageous. How our dead were left alone!, Patxi. How alone we are, we who have not closed our eyes!

Nineteen years have passed since the writing of this premonitory letter. A mother’s painful complaint was a harbinger and warning of the atrabile and indecent concessions we ended up witnessing. And everything we will see that will make the blood of the victims even colder when they see the prisoners released. Txapote and other murderers who, without any repentance, are released in exchange for “the power or interests of the Socialist Party.” And, for even more shame, pain and shame for the victims, pay tribute to them in the street.

And yes, it’s been thirteen years without ETA killing and we must show generosity, but Francdied in bed forty-nine years ago, it seems that he is still in El Pardo and with the little light on.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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