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HomeBreaking NewsWoman shot with rifle in Baku - DETAILS

Woman shot with rifle in Baku – DETAILS

In Baku, Rashad Asadzade was sentenced on charges of attempting to kill his ex-wife by firing a firearm.

Oku.Az The decision was announced at a hearing presided over by Baku Serious Crimes Court Judge Azer Taghiyev.

According to the verdict, the accused was sentenced to 15 years and 6 months in prison.

It should be noted that at the last trial, prosecutor Tural Yagubov asked the court to sentence the accused to 17 years in prison.

It should be noted that the incident occurred in the Sabail district of the capital in January this year. Reasonable suspicions have been established that Rashad Asadzadeh, a resident of the Barda region, injured his ex-wife by firing a shotgun out of vandalism. The woman was hospitalized. Rashad Asadzade was detained by officers of the 41st Police Department of the Sabail District Police Department. They took from him an “Ij-16” hunting rifle with the barrel cut off and the number removed.

29, 120.2.2 (attempted murder with vandalism), 228.1 (illegal acquisition and possession of firearms) and 229.1 (illegal possession of firearms, their accessories, ammunition) of the Penal Code against him, preparation of explosive substances and devices, as well as repair of firearms).

Elgun Hasanli


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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