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Women survivors of gender-based violence in Andalusia mobilize to help others escape hell

Brave. This is the word that the Minister for Social Inclusion and Equality of the Council never tires of repeating, Lolès Lopez, this Monday during the presentation of a campaign that gives a face and a voice to the victims of Sexist violence in Andalusia.

“Lives that change lives” is the name of the campaign promoted by the Andalusian Women’s Institute (IAM), in which nine women who have lived through traumatic and extreme experiences of gender violence in Andalusia tell their nightmare but, above all, how they decided to take the step and the positive turn their lives took after daring to denounce their attackers. Piedad, Rosa, Ana Bella, Aura, Lucía, Efigenia, Ana Rosa, Paqui and Montse They stood up to achieve it.

The advisor highlighted the courage of these women for participating in this initiative, which will include videos with their testimonies, and with which the IAM intends make visible, raise awareness and prevent this scourge. “These women have been through hell but they have come out of it. They have taken the step, which is not easy, but They are now happy and in control of their lives. “And they want to say it to help other women who are living this nightmare.”

Ana Bella, who was a victim of gender-based violence and who chairs the foundation that bears her name and has already helped thousands of women who have suffered abuse, stressed that it is a very complex situation and that many victims are not aware that they are victims. For this reason called on those around these women to support them and denounce them if they detect that they are being mistreated by their partner.

The testimonies of five other victims were damning. One of the most shocking was that of Rosa, who said she had suffered such beatings at the hands of her partner. being six months pregnant and losing your baby and was seriously injured.

One by one they said years of hell, beatings, threats and extreme violencebut at the same time sending the message that gender-based violence you can go out, and encourage others to follow in their wake. Freedom was one of the words repeated most by these courageous women.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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