Women victims of gender-based violence They will no longer be able to report to the local police in Palma de Mallorca. A lack of protection for victims approved by the PP and Voxwhich they jointly took from local police budgets and derived this function from the national police.
From the PP, they defend it by saying that will pass into the hands of the National Police In one model, it already exists in “the rest of the State” and aims to “offer better care and greater legal security to victims of gender violence”.
The Consistory insisted on the fact that this agreement would allow the Local Police to “increase resources” in the care of victims throughout the protocol that it already carries out, by taking care of the victim in the first place to “ offer protection and support in the procedure for submitting the file.” file a complaint and carry out personalized follow-up”, through the Immediate Intervention Unit, made up of eight agents specialized in protection and tutoring.
An assistance function that the Palma Local Police will no longer provide while precisely the increase in the institution’s budget of 24 million was approved, in addition to a forecast for the incorporation of 100 police officers.
For its part, the opposition claims that Vox’s requests were accepted and that the victims are therefore not protected.