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“You have to be a little mean and dare to break the rules. My mother does it at 86 years old”

This week the podcast Get ready, we’re leaving brings a very close guest, an excellent journalist and person. This is the great Olga Ruiz, director of Telva for 14 years and living legend of journalism by and for women in Spain.

He has now written his first novel, titled The editorial (Editorial Suma), a fictional story with which Olga gave free rein to her imagination, but based on her extensive experience in the world of journalism. Cruz Sánchez de Lara, vice-president of EL ESPAÑOL and editor-in-chief of Magas and Enclave ODS, and Charo Izquierdo, director of Enclave ODS, could not miss the opportunity to chat with her for a moment.

“It’s beautiful, exciting and, what’s more, it takes us back to the 1950s, when women’s journalism in Spain made its mark and opened many doors for us. I highly recommend him because he has that maturity that This makes it fun. And playing with words is the most fun game in the world,” Sánchez de Lara says of the novel.

And speaking of playfulness, these three women brought up the name of the great Diana Vreeland to start the podcast off on the right foot. About this iconic columnist and fashion editor, Olga Ruiz says: “She was a playful and courageous woman, a incredible talent scout“. And he emphasizes that “he dared to break with this image that existed in the 50s and 60s of women’s magazines with this wisdom and audacity of fashion“.

In the words of the director of TelvaCruz Sánchez de Lara, quick and thoughtful, answers: “But…To be brave, you have to be playful” “I think so,” Olga Ruiz replies. “You have to be a little naughty and dare to break the rules. My mother is naughty at 86 and I love it. I think it’s a way of stay young” said the journalist.

Get ready, we’re going with Olga Ruiz

Present and past of the profession

After this introduction, the three got to the heart of the matter. First, Charo Izquierdo began by remembering those times when he took Olga Ruiz as responsible for culture She. Subsequently, the The director of the ODS Enclave read some words written by the guest: “Self-confidence was in the genetic code of the powerful“.

“This reflection refers more to the past,” explains Olga Ruiz. “Now, all social classes can access to knowledge, education, security…Security at that time [refiriéndose a las últimas décadas del siglo pasado] “It was linked to the ability to travel or to study, which unfortunately few people had.”

To which Cruz Sánchez de Lara, convinced, adds that “The most dangerous insecurities are those of the powerful“, a reflection she shares with the guest. “That’s why we’re all so aware of what’s happening in the United States. I don’t know if there’s going to be a new world order, what I do know is that there is disorder in sight. But you must be optimistic” says Olga Ruiz.

After this little analysis, Cruz returns to the fray, asking again, so that the listeners of Get ready, we’re leaving Get to know your guest better. “And what do you think it is?” the most elegant woman What do you know?” he said..

“I was influenced by women who, perhaps They are not so well known. Angela Molina, for example, what do I think about her? a free-spirited and absolutely elegant woman with her nonconformity. Another one, Lolita Flores, whom I consider to be an aunt with an absolutely extraordinary head. I also like people who evolve. Rosario NadalFrom being a “Valentino girl” she has become one of the most interesting women in the art world.

A dose of humility

Charo Izquierdo intervenes: “To stay in this world as you do, with your doses of humility and your laughter, is brutal. How did you manage to do it? Since I’ve known you, you are still the same Olga“.

At this point, a second of silence. Then Olga Ruiz answers, excited: “There is nothing better than being told that you don’t believe in things. We are not better people because of the current situation, nor because of what our business card says about us. It does not depend on the work we do, It’s much more than that“In addition, the director of Telva discover your Secret recipe for staying ahead in the world of work: “Make an effort, work, do it honestly, value your colleagues and don’t make any decision that doesn’t keep you awake at night.”

To conclude the podcast, Charo Izquierdo recalled the history of the newspaper directed by Olga, highlighting its great power of rupture and transgression. “Do you consider this idea of legacy“?” asks the Director of Enclave SDG.

From left to right, Cruz Sánchez de Lara, Olga Ruiz and Charo Izquierdo.

Esteban Palazuelos

“Yeah. I am very proud. We celebrated our thousandth anniversary last October and our 60th anniversary last year. When you read the director’s first letter, in a Spain in black and white, you see how much encouraged women to work, to train and to discover the world. In 1963, when the only women who were working were single women or widows, because they had to support themselves, this suddenly appears. There were incredible reports. It was another journalismwhere there was no Internet,” explains the director of Telva.

“And finally… Something that has never been said?” said Charo Izquierdo. “Yes, I would like to get an interview with the queenwho is the great character to interview. She is amazing, very intelligent and has been a fundamental piece for the survival of the monarchy” says Olga Ruiz.

Later, Cruz Sánchez de Lara and Charo Izquierdo confess their devotion to Letizia: “This is the best choice our king could have made. She is a very hard-working woman, who has known how to keep quiet, and she does it very well. When she speaks, her authority is recognized,” says Cruz Sánchez de Lara.

And, between some laughs, these three iconic women say goodbye to this week’s episode of Get ready, we’re leaving, with the security of having succeeded in ensuring that his listeners can See the world through the eyes of a fashion magazine editor. Or rather, that they were able to hear it.




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