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HomeBreaking NewsYou will pay for the four-day week.

You will pay for the four-day week.

“Eight days a week isn’t enough to show that I care” Paul McCartney.

In Spain we continue to be suffocated by propaganda and the latest data is not good. While the government boasts of the increase in GDP forecasts from the OECD, these same data certify that Spain has been experiencing stagnation in GDP per capita for five years. While the government aims to reduce inflation, the reality is that France records a lower level of inflation year on year and Spain has a higher level of inflation than the zone average euro for eleven months.

It is very sad that The Spanish government is pleased to be the OECD country with the highest unemployment rate, already surpassing Greece. and with stagnant GDP per capita.

It is very sad that ideas such as the four-day workday are being proposed in a country where productivity has stagnated for two decades. It is much sadder that the right adheres to this interventionist and harmful idea, particularly negative for the majority of companies in our country, which are micro-enterprises, and which will keep real wages low and the size of companies will continue. to be much lower than that of companies. average. of our environment.

Buying a bad idea just because it seems popular is extremely damaging. In doing so, we perpetuate a model of an impoverished and precarious country, we buy the complaining and fallacious diagnosis of the ultra-left, and what’s more, the weakest companies are not protected.

These are measures that seem good but harm those they claim to protect, like the minimum wage. The modal salary fell to 14,586 euros annually, a reduction of almost 4,000 euros compared to the previous year. Likewise, the salary of 16,495.84 euros (4.2% of total employees) and 18,494.32 (4.1%) reflects the disaster of our country, but it is above all terrifying to see that the average salary of managers and managers, that of Sánchez’s “Lamborghini”, i.e. 59,748 euros.

It is very sad that ideas such as the four-day workday are being proposed in a country where productivity has stagnated for two decades.

It makes no sense to talk about a four-day work week across the entire country and in all sectors. Some companies in certain sectors will be able to adopt it, others not.

In a country with 55,000 fewer listed companies than in 2018With real wages in poverty and productivity stagnant, talk of a four-day week is simply unacceptable.

How easy it is to say that we defend business freedom and that the best way to guarantee conciliation and workers’ rights is to increase the size of companies, to have more profitable and more competitive companies. Well no. It seems that any idiocy that comes to mind of communists must be accepted, but in a way light, so that we are not accused of being antisocial.

Instead of saying that there is nothing more profoundly antisocial than adopting a measure that increases the costs of the weakest companies by at least 20%, The center right seems to be embarking on adhering to the lying message of the ultra-left.

This government has increased hiring costs by 50%, stifled businesses with taxes, and made doing business more expensive than we have seen in decades.

This government has increased hiring costs by 50%

The interventionist ideas of the ultra-left are not worth debating, but I remind you that the United Kingdom of Keir Starmer only accepts the reduction of the week for the same hours worked if it can be done in agreement with the company’s activity.

What the ultra-left doesn’t tell you is that you’ll pay for the four-day work week. Falling real wages and perpetuating the precariousness which is ravaging the country of the rocket.

Why is the center right defending this measure? Because he thinks he’s popular and big companies tell him it’s no problem. Normal. Large companies, of which there are just over 5,000 in Spain, can bear this cost and pass it on to the consumer, and they will do so legitimately. The disastrous effect affects 99% of Spanish companies, which are small and medium-sized. Businesses that cannot translate their costs into prices will go out of business. With this, unit prices of non-replaceable goods and services will continue to increase.

The problem with big business is that they believe they will succeed if they continue to pander to the interventionist whims of government. Then many of them complain about the low stock market valuation and find that it doesn’t help them at the BoE either. When corporations decide to facilitate socialism, they get all the bad and none of the benefits.

The center right must also understand that when they sell 50% of government interventionism, people simply turn their backs on them. You lose, even if you win.

We are in a country where the majority complains about sanchismo and it sometimes seems that the opposition does not listen and believes that “the majority” is what the government controlled media reflects. They should read us more.

Defending business freedom has become a high-risk activity in Spain. Here we will continue.




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