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“Young people have other motivations”

THE silent ambition This is the new trend in youth work, which prioritizing mental health before advancing in your professional career. At laSexta Noticias, we wanted to see how success is different depending on which generation you ask.

To do this, we bring together Rosario SierraBusiness Development Director at LinkedIn Spain, and the lawyer Selene Fresnedawho debate this issue. For Selene, success consists in “being able to balance our personal life and our professional life”, and not so much in being forced to “juggle” between the two.

In his case, Rosario explains that, for his generation, success was “have a good job and a good salary“, as well as “a good car and a family”, a more “traditional” vision. These are two opposing visions of life and work.

“We have moved from work being the center of your life to work is something that happens in your life“It doesn’t have the importance it had for my generation,” Rosario acknowledges. For Selene, today “it doesn’t reward you at other levels than the name of the position.”

Selene’s generation is a generation that turns its back on social status and focuses on mental health.”You are forced to moderate your expectationsbecause you see around you that people who have studied a lot have worked a lot, because they don’t earn much more than the minimum wage,” adds Sélène.

Rosario mentions the importance of a “balance” that allows one to combine “living and working, but works to live“. A different perspective that now requires companies to review their corporate culture: “This must be done through new leaders, who understand that the world is changing.” Only in this way will they be able to attract the best talent.




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