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Young women have less confidence in the future

A generally more positive mood than that of their elders, but with significant differences depending on gender and social situation. These are the main lessons of the barometer on the mood and commitment of young people in 2024, published on 10 September. Conducted each year by the Research Centre for the Study and Observation of Living Conditions (Crédoc) and the National Institute for Youth and Popular Education (Injep), among some 4,500 young people aged between 15 and 30, the survey focuses on their feelings and civic commitments.

The first question asked was about the fit between their lives and their expectations. Result: in 2024, 71% of the young people surveyed believe that their life in general will live up to their expectations (+4 points compared to the previous year). A level of satisfaction which, however, varies greatly depending on the level of qualification of the respondents and their social situation: it falls to 65% for young people who only have a high school diploma or less, and also to 65% for those living in low-income households, with 54% for those who are unemployed.

Second topic of questioning, the morality of young people, evaluated from an open question: “What word (or short phrase) best describes your current mental state?” Result : 58% of 15-30 year-olds surveyed describe their mood positively (+5 points compared to 2023) compared to 44% of those aged 31 and over. “However, specify the authors, A significant proportion of young people describe their mood with more negative expressions, in particular, 4% feel sad and depressed, 4% say they are exhausted, tired and under pressure.”.

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“Difficulties” and “obstacles”

Figures that have not improved since last year and which coincide with the results of the French Public Health barometer, according to which “The incidence of depressive episodes among young adults (18 to 24 years old) has doubled in a decade, especially after the health crisis”.

Moreover, the gap between young men and women remains very significant: 51% of young women express a positive mood compared to 64% of young men. It has even increased since 2023, when positive judgments affected 50% of young women surveyed and 57% of men.

When it comes to confidence in the future, young people are doing better than older people: 71% of 15-30 year-olds say they are confident about the next three years (+3 points compared to 2023), compared to 50% of those over 31 years old. But here too we find strong differences between young men (76% say they are confident) and young women (67%). The authors point out that this gap has been a constant since the first edition of the barometer in 2016. “Women may look to the future with more apprehension due to the greater number of difficulties and obstacles (professional, family, economic, etc.) that can mark their personal and professional path.” they write.

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Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins is a tech-savvy blogger and digital influencer known for breaking down complex technology trends and innovations into accessible insights.


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