Eight-year-old Zahra, who suffers from a rare disease, needs the support of understanding people.
About this Oku.AzThis was reported by his mother Leyla Asadova.
She said her son was born with closed spina bifida, a rare condition, in 2016.
“We started treatments and operations from the day she was born. She was operated on 11 times as a baby. Since she was not born with an anus, she was operated on first and then 90% of her intestines were removed. We have been to Iran and Turkey many times for Zahra’s treatment. The last time was in July. In one of the hospitals located in Turkey, Botox was injected into Zahra’s bladder. The doctors said that this Botox should be injected again after 8 to 9 months.
The young mother said she currently needs support for her son’s treatment.
“We spent around 4,000 manats on Zahra’s surgery and examinations in Turkey. We were able to raise this amount with the support of helpful people. Right now, we need more support for her post-operative treatment. We have been able to keep Zahra going for years thanks to the supporters of her website, I ask those people to support us again.”
Contact the family: (070) 430-94-94.
“Leo Bank”: 4098 5844 6764 3027.