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Zakharova pointed out to the Israeli ambassador that Russia does not prohibit anyone from speaking

Russia does not prohibit anyone from speaking, unlike the West, where human rights exist only in words. This was stated by the official representative of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs Maria Zakharova, who spoke after the speech of the Israeli ambassador to Russia Simone Halperin at the session of the IV Eurasian Women’s Forum.

The Israeli diplomat announced her country’s position on the current Palestinian-Israeli conflict in a speech.

“Look at what is happening now in the Middle East: dozens of victims, among them mainly Palestinians, have died, have died. And despite everything, we give the opportunity to speak to representatives of different countries with different positions. And we defend this opportunity. This is real democracy, real pluralism, real freedom. And now the choice is yours: what do you choose: a liberal dictatorship that only pays lip service to human rights, or a multipolarity that allows people with different views to speak?” — said Zakharova, TASS reports.

The official representative of the Russian diplomatic department stressed that the example of the dialogue during the session, in which the Israeli ambassador also spoke, clearly shows the difference between “the approaches of liberal democracies usurping the world and multipolarity.”

“Look: in relation to Russia for coming to the aid of the Russian-speaking peoples, who were exterminated for ten years, trying to exclude our diplomats from the information and cultural format, <> [на Западе] “We did everything to prevent our representatives from entering the international information space with their views, with their facts,” she continued. “They excluded us, pulled out microphones, ripped out cables – they did everything to prevent our diplomacy, including women in international women’s forums, from speaking about how mothers who sat in basements for ten years suffered.”

As reported, representatives of the Russian side have repeatedly stressed that Moscow is in favor of an urgent end to violence in the Middle East, a solution to humanitarian problems and the start of practical work to implement the UN decision on the creation of a Palestinian state that will coexist in peace and security with Israel.


Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins is a tech-savvy blogger and digital influencer known for breaking down complex technology trends and innovations into accessible insights.


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