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Zakharova: “Russia has nothing to do with the coup attempt in Armenia, the West is to blame”

The news that information about the Russian coup attempt is connected with Armenia is false information published by Western special services.

Oku.AzThis was announced by the official representative of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs Maria Zakharova at a briefing held within the framework of the IV Eurasian Women’s Forum.

“The attempt by some Armenian officials to ‘spin’ the information of the Armenian Investigative Committee on the prevention of a coup attempt in order to find traces of Russia is absurd and does not meet with any criticism. Moreover, this is specially published false information. It is no exception that behind this grossly fabricated false sensation are advisers of Western special services. Their task is to prevent the improvement of bilateral relations, including the expected Russian-Armenian contacts at the highest level,” he said.

In this regard, the official representative of the Department of Foreign Affairs drew attention to the excessive number of employees of the US embassy in Yerevan – two thousand people, and stated that most of them work in the information field. According to him, the result of their activities is not only the deterioration of information in Armenia, but also the creation of paid anti-Russian media, the distribution of clearly anti-Russian ordered materials and the spread of artificially imposed Russophobic sentiment.

“I wonder how times have changed. I used to hear from some political figures in Armenia that the seizure of power is a real democracy. Unfortunately, some circles in Armenia have been adopting the outdated tactics of the West, which they have been resorting to in search of a solution. The imaginary Russian threat for decades says that current problems should be solved in a spirit of mutual respect behind the negotiating table, and not by giving up on them. If it happens otherwise, then the essence of the issue is not in searching for solutions, but in trying to take responsibility for the mistakes made by others,” Zakharova said.

According to the diplomat, Armenia should not be afraid of the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO) or Russia: “This is absurd in itself, because we are developing trade and, by all indicators, we remain the closest allies. We should be afraid. The West and its supporters, who have been organizing color revolutions for a long time, specialize. As soon as the country under its protection begins to defend its national interests, the true face of the West is revealed and everyone sees its monstrous face. “


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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