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HomeLatest NewsZamora goes to Naturcyl with his native donkey breed and with temptations...

Zamora goes to Naturcyl with his native donkey breed and with temptations in the form of honey, cheese or wine

Naturcyl, The Castilian and Leonese International Ecotourism Fair returns for a seventh edition from September 20 to 22, with an appointment in La Granja de San Idelfonso (Segovia) and more determined than ever to become a reference for nature lovers. And the province of Zamora wants to take advantage of the occasion to shine with its own light, for which it will exhibit native donkeys, bring cheeses (including cheese made from donkey’s milk), organize honey and wine tastings or talk about its privileged astrotourism routes.

The first vice-president of the Provincial Council of Zamora, Víctor López de la Parte, presented the program accompanied by the tourist advisor of the municipality of Zamora, Christoph Strieder, which includes activities for the entire weekend.

On Friday afternoon, during the official opening of the event, the Zamorano donkeys will be exhibited at the exhibition center. At 6 p.m., you can attend a presentation – with tasting included – of the Iberian Plateau Transboundary Biosphere Reserve by Lorenzo Jiménez, reserve technician. At 7:00 p.m., Carlos Tejero, from the Zamoran Astronomy Group, will be in charge of talking to those present about the possibilities offered to those looking for a clear sky full of stars.

On Saturday, September 21, the activity at the Zamora province stand will begin at 11:30 a.m. with a presentation-tasting of Zamora Honey by agricultural engineer Francisco Alonso Anta. At noon, López himself, who is also a deputy for Tourism, will speak. The press conference will present the new campaign Eclipse of Zamora.

Half an hour later, at 12:30, there will be a presentation of the Zamorano-Leonese donkey, with special attention to its history and future prospects, which will be addressed by Jesús de Gabriel, the technical secretary of Aszal, the National Breeders Association of the Zamorano-Leonesa Asnal breed. The conference will be accompanied by a tasting of cheeses made from donkey milk. Without straying too far from the topic, at 1pm the tourism advisor will present the European Cheese Route, with another tasting but from Quesería La Antigua. In addition, at 5pm a clay workshop with natural textures led by Numarte will be open to children.

In addition, on Sunday, September 22 at 11:00 a.m., José Alfredo Hernéndez, from Zamora Biodiversa, will present options for natural walks through the Duero. Finally, at 1:00 p.m. the final touch will be a blind tasting on the wine routes of Zamora: that of Arribes, that of Zamora and that of Toro.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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