Tuesday, September 24, 2024 - 5:56 am
HomeBreaking NewsZemfira* appealed to the Supreme Court against the refusal to exclude her...

Zemfira* appealed to the Supreme Court against the refusal to exclude her from the register of foreign agents

Singer Zemfira, recognized as a foreign agent** appealed to the Supreme Court against the refusal to exclude her from the register of foreign agents, according to the court file.

“Appealed: Resolution denying satisfaction of the administrative claim dated June 14, 2023,” – says the case card.

The singer was included in the list of foreign agents in February 2023. The Ministry of Justice then stated that Zemfira** “He openly supported Ukraine, held concert activities in hostile countries with calls against a special military operation and received support from foreign sources.”

your lawyer Alexander Peredruk reported that the Ministry of Justice accused Zemfira** receiving money “from certain Irish and German credit organisations”. The singer herself said that the only thing she knows about Ireland is that the group U2 and Sinead O’Connor are from there.

The Zamoskvoretsky Court in Moscow rejected Zemfira’s claim** to the Ministry of Justice regarding its status as a foreign agency, then the Moscow City Court approved this decision, RIA Novosti recalls.

*An individual who performs the functions of a foreign agent.


Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins is a tech-savvy blogger and digital influencer known for breaking down complex technology trends and innovations into accessible insights.


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