Saturday, September 21, 2024 - 10:03 am
HomeBreaking NewsTokayev declared war on the oligarchs of “Old Kazakhstan”

Tokayev declared war on the oligarchs of “Old Kazakhstan”

In his message to the people of Kazakhstan, announced at a meeting of both chambers of parliament on September 2, President of the Republic Kassym-Jomart Tokayev sent a strong signal to the oligarch brothers Nurlan and Erlan Nigmatulin, according to the portal.

According to the publication, active actions against them will begin at the end of September.

“In his latest message, President of Kazakhstan Kassym-Jomart Tokayev warned that he will deal differently with businessmen who are included in the register for the return of illegal assets, but who are slow to provide assistance to society. This is a great message sent to stakeholders. At the same time, the rhetoric towards the brothers Nurlan and Erlan Nigmatullin is becoming tougher.” — the portal writes, citing its source in the Kazakh government.

The publication recalls the multi-million dollar assets of not only the Nigmatulins, but also the oligarch himself. Dinmukhamed Idrisovwho is the matchmaker for the specified family.

“Erlan Nigmatullin, who was included in the Forbes rating several times, also successfully did business and was under the patronage of management resources. Erlan Nigmatulin owns shares (shares – KazTAG) Informservice LLP, PULSE LLP, Virai Service Karaganda LLP, Orken-Media LLP, TREND Capital LLP, YDD Corporation LLP, Qaz Carbon LLP, QazFerroAlloys LLP, Karazhira JSC, – the portal also writes.

The publication notes that the oligarchs of “Old Kazakhstan”, who, taking advantage of their proximity to the former president Nursultan NazarbayevThe wealthy who made their fortunes from privatised state assets are now divided into two groups. The first group returns illegally obtained assets, does charity work and builds schools. The second group refuses to do so.

“The Nigmatullins belong to the second group. Head of State Kassym-Jomart Tokayev openly stated that the conversation with them would be different. According to a source from, some actions will begin at the end of September this year.” – indicates the publication.

Nurlan Nigmatulin is the former speaker of the lower house of the Kazakh parliament, who resigned following the events of January 2022. Over the years, he headed the administration of President Nazarbayev and was the head of the administration of the Karaganda region.

Erlan Nigmatulin, Nurlan Nigmatulin’s twin brother, at one point managed to serve in both houses of parliament.

The Nigmatulin brothers have been repeatedly accused of robbery takeovers, possible involvement in criminal structures and plans, as well as fabricating criminal cases. However, they are still at large.


Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins is a tech-savvy blogger and digital influencer known for breaking down complex technology trends and innovations into accessible insights.


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