Saturday, September 21, 2024 - 8:28 pm
HomeBreaking News"He is one of the best economists in the country"

“He is one of the best economists in the country”

The President of the Government, Pedro Sanchezjustified having placed his former minister José Luis Escrivá at the head of the Bank of Spain. “He is one of the best economists in our country, one of its greatest experts in monetary policy,” said Sánchez.

The president went to Moncloa to announce the changes in his cabinet, but he began by defending the appointment of Escrivá. His appointment has caused a lot of excitement both in the political world and in the institution, because coming directly from Sánchez’s Council of Ministers, many They fear that he will not be independent associated with the position.

“Very few economists have the knowledge, experience and state stature of José Luis Escriva,” Sánchez defended. The president also highlighted his resume, saying that he had previously worked at the Bank of Spain and that he had also worked at BBVA.

Escrivá was the only name proposed by the PSOE to lead the Bank of Spain. Traditionally, the government usually elects its director and the opposition its number two and with a certain consensus between the two parties. This time, this was not the case and Sánchez imposed his name without negotiating with the PP.

His seat at the head of the Ministry of Digital Transformation and Civil Service will now be occupied by the man who was Sánchez’s chief of staff, Oscar Lopez“I have known Oscar Lopez for a long time. I know his political capacity, his work and his commitment to the country,” Sánchez said during his appearance.

López “played a key role in public management as director of the office of the president of the government,” he added, and “has extensive experience in collaboration with the private sector.” Sánchez said López would be “a key and exemplary minister.”

Lopez’s chief of staff position will now be filled by Diego Rubioa person practically unknown to the public, but who has collaborated with Moncloa since the time of Iván Redondo. Sánchez highlighted his brilliant resume and also his age: Rubio is 38 years old.




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