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Ayuso’s boyfriend countersue by filing lawsuit against politicians demanding explanations for their fraud

Censoring the tax fraud of Isabel Díaz Ayuso’s partner, Alberto González Amador, and questioning the origin of the money and the ownership of the two apartments he enjoys with the Madrid president falls within the realm of defamation, according to González Amador. Despite having acknowledged in writing that he had committed tax fraud worth 350,000 euros on his profits during the pandemic, Amador is now threatening to file a defamation lawsuit against the PSOE and Más Madrid as parties, as well as against the Minister of Science, Diana Morant, the socialist. MP José Zaragoza, the socialists’ communications director, Ion Antolín, and the spokesperson for Más Madrid in the capital’s city hall, Rita Maestre, after having done the same in July with vice-president María Jesús Montero and the head of housing, Isabel Rodríguez.

The new battery of demands, put forward by El Confidencial, requires the holding of conciliation acts prior to the filing of complaints and the payment of 115,000 euros in compensation. The amount is divided into 30,000 euros claimed from the PSOE, 15,000 from Más Madrid, 30,000 from Antolín, 15,000 from Maestre, 15,000 from Morant and 10,000 from Zaragoza.

The PSOE and Más Madrid demanded before the summer that the judicial investigation against González Amador for fraud and falsification of documents be extended to other possible crimes such as unfair administration, falsification of accounts, accounting delinquency and corporate corruption, in the context of their work with the Quirón Group, a regular provider of the private health system in Madrid. The judge finally rejected this point after returning from vacation. But Amador’s team considers that the press releases published by the PSOE after his appearance in the trial are “a pile of lies”, according to what his defense told El Confidencial, susceptible to prosecution for insults and slander after the conciliation act.

Más Madrid and Rita Maestre, who have publicly questioned the dark points of the case, are also threatened with prosecution; specifically, the identity of the main shareholder of the company that owns the second floor that Ayuso and Amador enjoy. For Morant and Zaragoza, the threats related to their critical public statements about the case deserve a civil and not a criminal trial.

Maestre: “It’s the squid ink strategy”

The first to react to the judicial counterattack was Rita Maestre, who was not intimidated. “They are not going to intimidate me, nor will they make me stop fighting against the corruption of the PP.” […] This is the squid ink strategy, which only aims to confuse and divert attention. All the questions I have asked about who pays for the apartment where the president of the Community of Madrid lives, and in exchange for what, remain unanswered. And here we will continue to search for the truth until we find it,” he said on the social network X.

Amador’s strategy of shooting at everything was already evident after he denounced the Prosecutor’s Office for revealing private information about the person under investigation; the reality was very different: it was the entourage of the president and leader of the Madrid PP who falsely spread in various media that the Prosecutor’s Office had proposed a pact to Amador to avoid trial. The explanatory note from the Ministry published following these publications indicated that it was actually the Ayuso couple’s own defense that had proposed the agreement. This maneuver led the State Attorney General to be on the verge of being indicted by the Supreme Court. In the meantime, Amador is waiting for the ratification of his agreement with the Prosecutor’s Office to avoid prison by paying more than half a million euros, as well as an eight-month sentence that would not require imprisonment.


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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