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Heavy downpours and storms will be devastating…

Heavy downpours and storms to devastate parts of the countrythe AEMET orange alert is activated. It will be time to start thinking about everything that is still to come and the elements that go hand in hand and that could end up being the ones that make a significant difference. In all senses, we must be aware of a series of changes that are essential to face an autumn full of important news. AEMET experts are closely monitoring a situation that could prove crucial.

In every sense of the word, we are facing the arrival of an autumn that is happening at a speed for which we are perhaps not prepared. A significant change awaits us and could end up being the one that makes us start thinking about everything that is to come. These are days of routine and of returning to a long-awaited normality that will be marked by a series of situations that will accompany us during these September days. The first of the situations we are facing are those that will end up marking a before and after.

AEMET issues orange alert

A The new orange alert will eventually become a novelty important that can end up being what makes a significant difference. Without a doubt, complicated days await us, especially in terms of travel, if we have to face key changes.

These are days when we look at the sky and feel as if summer has completely disappeared. The situation is evolving at high speed and is taking us away from what would be usual; we are facing a September that presents excellent news much earlier than expected.

AEMET experts do not hesitate to issue an important alert that could lead to a more serious problem. In every sense of the word, we have before us a series of changes that will become a reality. Especially at a time when we are facing a series of important developments.

So now is the time to start thinking about what awaits us and how to organize ourselves. Keeping an eye on the weather forecast is essential to know if we have a series of fundamental changes ahead that will fully affect us.

Heavy downpours and storms will devastate the country

AEMET forecasts do not bring good newsbut on the contrary, it seems that it is taking us away from what would be usual. Facing a series of elements that will make a significant difference in every way. Alerts are activated in a large part of the country.

Continuing with this forecast: “The presence of a DANA is expected in the northwest of the peninsula that, with uncertainty, should evolve into a cold depression, maintaining instability in the northern and northeastern thirds with cloudiness and abundant rainfall. These will affect from early morning large areas of the northeastern third of the peninsula and the eastern area of ​​Cantabria, tending to be limited to the Pyrenean mid-point and Catalonia throughout the day, while storms will occur. It is likely that they will become locally strong and persistent in Navarre and northern Aragon, without being excluded in the eastern Basque Country and northwestern Catalonia, and more than 100 liters could be collected in the tips of the Pyrenees of Huesca. Likewise, it is not excluded that they will also end up reaching forts on the coasts of Catalonia. On the other hand, there will be occasional rains with storms in the northwestern third of the peninsula, with a tendency to worsen throughout the day and, with great uncertainty, locally heavy and persistent rains are not ruled out in parts of Galicia and Asturias. In the north of the Canary Islands, the sky will be cloudy, without excluding some isolated rains in the most marked areas. In the rest of the country, slightly cloudy skies will predominate.

This Friday we will have before us a situation that could become particularly worrying in the face of a weekend of rain that could be abundant in some areas of the country. As the experts say: “Morning fog and mist likely in the northern and eastern thirds, as well as in the Strait. Fog is not ruled out in the Balearic Islands and Melilla. Maximum temperatures will increase in the Balearic Islands and on the Mediterranean and Cantabrian slopes, locally notable in the northeastern interior, and with decreases in the rest. Minimums will increase in the northeastern quadrant and in the Balearic Islands, and decrease in Alborán and the western third. Little change in the Canary Islands. The trade wind will blow in the Canary Islands, the southeast wind will blow in the eastern area of ​​the Mediterranean and the northeastern third, and westerly and southwesterly winds will predominate in the rest. Southern component over the Pyrenees, with very strong gusts.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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