Saturday, September 21, 2024 - 3:07 am
HomeBreaking News"The party that defends equality will enshrine inequalities in Catalonia"

“The party that defends equality will enshrine inequalities in Catalonia”

Pedro Sánchez appointed Óscar López as the new Minister of Digital Transformation on Wednesday, which “is within the powers of a democrat,” according to the president and director of EL ESPAÑOL, Pedro J. Ramírez, on the Telecinco program ‘The Critical Look’. “Of course, he can appoint the Minister of Digitalization. A democrat can also appoint his chief of staff,” but a democrat cannot appoint the governor of the Bank of Spain (BdE)“That makes him an autocrat,” Ramirez said, referring to the appointment of Minister José Luis Escriva to head the institution.

“The Bank of Spain is a counter-majoritarian institution, which acts as a counterweight and is intended to control power. Franco appointed the governors of the BdE and Zapatero appointed Miguel Ángel Fernández Ordóñez (MAFO), which displeased Sánchez at the time. “And he was right because on that occasion (2008 crisis) the banking crisis alarms did not go off in time,” the journalist said.

Ramirez “Escrivá is a competent person and is probably more qualified to be governor of the BdE than to be a minister”. However, he considers that this movement “is an act of political manipulation equivalent to what we saw yesterday, Wednesday”, in reference to the inauguration speech of Pedro Sánchez’s political career.

“Yesterday they showed us the cuts; they told us that the autonomous regions would earn more money, that there would be more taxes on the rich, etc… But where is the ball? The ball is in the financing of Catalonia and “I believe that we Spaniards have the right to have the Catalan concert explained to us.”assured the president and director of EL ESPAÑOL.

Ramirez explained that “the Generalitat of Catalonia will now have all the tax revenues and will agree to agree something to contribute within limits to solidarity.” Now, “I believe that it is almost an agreed alms,” he stressed.

“Note that Sanchez spoke yesterday about buses and Lamborghinis, more taxes on the rich… Listen, if you want to reduce taxes for the rich in Catalonia“Those with the lowest income will remain at the same level forever and no matter what they do, they will not be able to prosper,” he said.

“That is really the problem. I suppose that the members of the PSOE Federal Committee will ask for these explanations. It is as simple as knowing why Catalonia yes and the others no. The party that defends equality will consecrate the inequality of one of the two largest autonomous communities. And he will have to give explanations,” he concluded.




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