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HomeBreaking NewsAyuso urges PP regional presidents to boycott meetings with Sánchez

Ayuso urges PP regional presidents to boycott meetings with Sánchez

The President of the Community of Madrid, Isabel Diaz Ayusoopposed the individual meetings called by Pedro Sánchez with each of the regional presidents and scheduled for the coming weeks. “As long as there is no Conference of Presidents,” which has not been called since March 2022, “the regional presidents will not be able to sit down in front of this petty politics to negotiate anything,” said the head of the Madrid executive.

The president of the government announced on Wednesday a “fairer” financing model in which “all communities will receive more resources.” To solve this problem, Sánchez announced that he would call Moncloa to each of the presidents autonomousThe PP was already opposed to this and demanded that the financing model be negotiated “multilaterally”, that is, through a Conference of Presidents, as provided for by law and as the PP barons have been demanding since November.

Specifically, Sánchez promised that “each of the autonomous communities would receive more resources than they received when the Popular Party was in power” and that to this end, the resources of the interterritorial compensation fund would be doubled.

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