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What can happen to you if you carry your groceries in the car?

At the DGT, they are always vigilant to ensure safety on our road network, so that rules are established that govern all aspects of our way of driving. Recently, the DGT has focused on a way of acting that involves a series of riskslike carrying shopping bags in the back of the car.

This habit that occurs among drivers can cost us a large fine, as well as a series of road safety risks, such as General traffic regulationsBelow we will tell you the fine that the DGT can apply for taking bags from the supermarket.

DGT: The hidden danger of bags on the back seat

If the bags of everything we bought at the supermarket are transported on the back seats of the car, it may seem unimportant, but it can be dangerous.

Inside Article fourteen of the RGC clearly states that the car’s load must be properly positioned and secured to avoid compromising its own stability or visibility.

Placing bags in the back seat can obstruct visibility, especially when they are stacked in a way that blocks the rear window or side mirrors, reducing your ability to maneuver safely.

Risks increase dramatically in emergency situations

In the event of a sudden stop or accident, loose bags can become projectiles inside the car, seriously endangering people’s safety.

Let’s not forget that this type of moving of loose objects can lead to destabilize the carespecially when cornering or taking evasive maneuvers.

We are talking about a scenario in which the lives of passengers could be seriously endangered, affecting other drivers and pedestrians, and a major accident could occur.

Fines and recommendations from the DGT

Spanish laws do not take this issue lightly. It is Article 14 itself that specifies that poorly secured cargo can result in a fine of up to 200 euros.

The amount, even though it may seem large, will only be part of the problem. The really worrying thing will lie in occupant safety and how this common action, like carrying shopping bags in the back seat, can end up having fateful consequences.

What the General Directorate of Traffic has done is to insist that compliance with these regulations, in addition to avoiding sanctions, also preserves safety on public roads.

One of the recommendations of the DGT is that all bags and packages are securely secured.

He use of safety belts and straps It is important to secure the balls in the trunk or on the back seat so that they do not move during the journey.

Another important recommendation is to use the storage net located in the trunk itself. This accessory is perfect for securing light and small objects, so as to prevent them from moving and causing problems while driving.

The importance of road safety in daily life

Road safety is important in our daily lives, because sometimes small actions have a bigger impact when it comes to preventing accidents.

In traffic, drivers must be aware of the associated risks to common practices that may seem harmless and end up being serious.

There are a number of decisions we have to take into account, such as respecting speed limits or not driving under the influence of alcohol, as well as small precautions, such as keeping shopping bags safe.

In our country, the DGT has developed a good number of awareness campaigns over the yearsalways focusing on the different aspects of safe driving.

From wearing seat belts to banning cell phone use while driving, these campaigns have been effective in reducing accidents and saving lives.

The alert that was produced regarding the carry bags on the back seat It illustrates how the DGT continues to educate, in order to adapt to the new reality and new practices of drivers.

Customs are not always correct

We are used to behaving in a certain way and the truth is that it is not always the best. In many cases we can even incur fines or situations that can pose a danger. So now you know, if you found it interesting, share it with your contacts.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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