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HomeLatest NewsPP and Vox will repeal the law on historical memory of Cantabria...

PP and Vox will repeal the law on historical memory of Cantabria by emergency measures at the end of October

PP and Vox plan to repeal the Law of Historical and Democratic Memory of Cantabria at the end of October. Both parties agreed to urgently revoke the rule approved in the last legislature by the bipartisan RPC-PSOE government, that is, with the aim of ensuring that the debate takes place in the plenary session of September 23 and in the plenary session of September. On October 28, the processing is finished and it is canceled.

This was announced this Friday by both groups in separate press conferences, but with very few differences between them. The main one, as pointed out by the spokesperson of the far-right party, Leticia Díaz, is that the PP avoided mentioning Vox, despite the fact that it is a key actor to repeal the law, since the popular do not have an absolute majority in the Autonomous Chamber (15 deputies out of 35).

“The PP has a complex with us, but we need each other to approve things,” stressed Díaz, who celebrated the result of “the pressure” exerted by his party so that the popular party respects the agreement reached a year ago.

In this sense, and despite the fact that both parties presented legal proposals – first Vox and a few days later the PP – the spokesperson for the ultra formation confirmed that her parliamentary group would vote in favour of the popular party because “it is the ‘same’ as yours. “I can compare them, both have three articles, a transitional provision and a repealing provision,” he stressed.

Thus, as he said, Vox voted in favour at the meeting of the Parliamentary Council held previously so that the PP initiative could be processed urgently, since it is necessary for at least two groups to do so. Previously, the PP had tried to do so through the single reading procedure, but this was not possible since it required unanimous agreement from the Table, which did not happen, since it is also composed of the PSOE and the PRC.

“They need the agreement with Vox and there is nothing wrong with appointing us, we took the lead and insisted a year later; “We have had enough patience for the PP to comply with its commitments,” said Díaz, who stressed that his party did not want to “put medals on it”, but rather wanted the law in force since 2021 to be repealed as soon as possible.”

(There will be an extension)


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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