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How often are elections held in the United States?

Next November, the US Presidential Elections. The 2024 elections face the president, Donald TrumpRepublican Party candidate, and Kamala HarrisDemocratic Party candidate.

These votes They take place in the United States every four years, on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November.. According to the Article 2 of its ConstitutionThis is the length of time the elected president and vice president serve in office. The last election was in November 2020, when Joe Biden beat Donald Trump.

Voting takes place on the Tuesday following the first Monday in November, as indicated in the US Government Pageand in them the total number of voters who support the candidates is determined. These voters are representatives of each statewho are obliged to vote for the winner of the elections in that territory.

Voters cast their ballots during the month of December in the Electoral College celebrationand in January, Congress officially counts that support. On January 20 (or the 21st, if the 20th falls on a Sunday), the Presidential inaugurationthat is, the inauguration of the president.

How many times can a president be re-elected?

A president can exercise one’s positionfor two terms (maximum eight years). George Washington, the first president of the United States, declined to run for reelection for a third time, establishing a tradition that subsequent American leaders maintained until the 1940s, as evidenced by the official website of the US government.

In 1940, Theodore Roosevelt ran for office for the third time, during a time marked by the Great Depression and World War II. He was re-elected in 1944, but did not complete his term because he died in 1945. A majority of Americans considered Roosevelt’s term to have been excessive, according to the government’s website. In 1951, the XXII Amendment was adoptedwhich limited to eight years the maximum period during which a president could lead the country.

Losing with the popular vote

The electoral system for the American president is indirect. Votes by citizens only counts for the state in which they live. Each state is assigned electors based on its population, and they are responsible for voting favorably for the winning candidate in that state.

This means that it may happen that one of the candidates obtains a greater number of votes at the national level, what is called in the United States the “popular vote”. However, if his opponent wins in key states and exceeds his number of electors, he can become president with lower number of supporters worldwide.

This situation has occurred repeatedly throughout the history of democracy in the United States, as the US National Archives. The most recent took place during the 2000 and 2016 elections. In the first case, Albert Gore Jr. won in number of votes George W. Bushand in the second Hillary Clinton received more support than Donald TrumpHowever, none of the Democratic candidates emerged victorious due to Republican victories in key states for the election, which gave them a larger number of voters.

Elections to configure Congress

The United States Congress leads the country’s legislative branch and has a cbicameral character: is divided into Chamber of Deputies or lower house, composed of 435 members, and the Senate or upper house, with 100 members, as indicated on the official website of the American government. The two differ, among other things, in their renewal deadlinesn.

THE Chamber of Deputies It is composed of delegates elected in the states that make up the American federal republic and is responsible for proposing bills. Each state has a number of representatives based on its population. These are elected every two years, coinciding with the presidential and mid-term elections of the president.

He Senate is responsible for ratifying bills, which are approved only if two-thirds of the support is obtained in this chamber. The Senate is renewed every two years, but only for one-third of the chamber. Therefore, an elected senator offers a six-year service. Each of the 50 states has two senators.




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