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“They want children to doubt their gender”

“Every boy, deep down, yearns to be a man. We must help them demonstrate that they already are, that masculinity and femininity are “a gift”, that “they need adequate support to mature” in childhood and that self-determination of gender is “a mistake” because it is already determined by nature. These are some of the postulates of Òscar García, a teacher reported to the Generalitat Valenciana for teaching homophobic content in a school in the Valencian neighborhood of Marxalenes.

An anonymous complainant has twice filed a complaint with the Ministry of Education against the teacher, who wrote a book on the “global maturation” of boys and girls, which warns of “signs” that could represent a deviation in children’s behavior and suggests corrective measures. According to the complainant, the teacher, who is a tutor in the first year of secondary school at the private religious center, allegedly pressured students by distorting their tastes or gestures so that they move away from what is considered masculine or feminine.

The teacher, whose complaint was filed by the Compromís coalition in the Valencian Courts, has worked in education since 2005, is currently a secondary school teacher at the Santiago Apóstol school in Valencia and, in turn, belongs to the Family Guidance Center. Mother of Mercy, which was led by the professor convicted in Alaquàs for trying to apply conversion therapy to young people.

The book is supported by the Bishop of Orihuela-Alicante, José Ignacio Munilla, author of the prologue, who considers that “homosexuality is a disorder that can be cured with therapy” and defends the volume by Óscar García Mulet as “a courageous book” for families, which defends the masculinity and femininity of children against the harmful experiences that confuse them. In the sales area of ​​the volume, the bishop states: “I can only bless initiatives like this: a book that goes against the grain and demands an honest review of the approaches accepted without criticism by society. We are living in new times and nothing can be taken for granted.

In interviews given after the publication of the book, the author believes that transsexuality – the “desire to change sex”, as he calls it – “has causes, it responds to a lived relational history that has already shaped an environment for us. that stimulates this type of behavior. Thus, he determines that transsexuality is born from a childhood wound and believes that today’s society pushes minors to doubt their sexuality. In the religious magazine Assignment“One of the greatest sufferings of children in our time is due to the pressures they are subjected to by those who try to convince them that their gender is malleable and free to choose,” the professor explains. “Children accept mistrust of their gender as something normal,” he says in the text, which also claims that attachment trauma is at the root of gender identity disorders. In another magazine, Confidential religion, The author states: “From my experience of supporting families, there is a great need for educational criteria to educate in such a changing and confusing society. That is why this book is designed to help parents and educators, for whom the task is not at all easy.

The volume is presented as “a guide to adequately accompany the maturation of masculinity and femininity in the early years” in which the professor highlights the “alarming signs” on the sexual maturation of boys and girls. Among them, the preference for short hair, the rejection of dolls or the preference for sports are identified as a risk for girls, while behaviors such as the predilection for female idols are ugly for boys. The professor recommends: “In cases of immature masculinity, the mother has an urgent need to distance herself for the sake of her son. In this case, it is possible that the child needs help to discover that what he is really looking for is a parent with whom to learn, observe and imitate.

The teacher emphasizes that the duty of the counselor is to intervene privately in the face of what he considers to be behavioral deviations. “The educator, when he notices that a child is expressing himself in an effeminate manner, must take into account that it would be a serious mistake to directly correct this behavior by ridiculing him or shaming him in front of others. We would achieve the opposite: reinforcing the behavior. The first thing to do would be to gain their trust and establish a healthy bond. Then, after addressing the insecurity and fears he suffers from in the masculine world (which attract him as much as they scare him), with delicacy and in various ways, he must lead him like a magnet towards masculine realities. If this lack of masculine identity (which most of the time has its origin in a lack of paternal attachment) persists and is not taken seriously, it can lead in adolescence to DCS – desire to change sex – or PMS – projection towards the same sex. –», says the book published by the Compromís coalition. The coalition demands that the teacher be removed from the educational center and that the creation of an investigation commission requested from the Valencian Courts be approved.

The book was presented in different parishes of Valencia and at the Catholic University of Valencia, as well as at an event organized by the parents’ association of the aforementioned Valencian school. The magazine of the educational center, To Marxaincludes in its June 2023 issue the celebration of a conference by the accused professor on “the integral maturation of masculinity and femininity in the early stages of our children’s lives,” held in May of last year. The conference was made public by the center’s parents’ association. The educational center did not respond to requests for information from this newspaper.

According to a complainant, who prefers to remain anonymous, last year a complaint was sent to the Ministry of Education by mail and this year another was submitted electronically. The Ministry of Education has not reported on this issue either.

The Santiago Apóstol Diocesan School sent a statement in which it denies “with all force” that in the center “any action such as the so-called ‘therapies’ could have been carried out” and adds that “any type of discrimination or harassment has never been authorized, for any reason, because this behavior, if it had occurred, would have been immediately corrected by the management.” In addition, it denies having received complaints “neither from families, nor from students, nor from the educational administration.” The school defends that it carries out its educational mission “framed in a Christian anthropological vision, always respecting the framework of current educational laws” and regrets “deeply” that “an attempt has been made to falsely link the school to practices that have never taken place.”


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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