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“The week of September 9th, we started strong…”

THE The week of September 9th begins with major changes This could end up being what marks a before and after. The time will have come to start thinking about everything that awaits us and what is yet to come. These are periods of change that could end up being those that mark a before and after. In this situation, it could end up completing those forecasts that Jorge Rey has been anticipating for weeks. It seems that the cabañuelas have hit the nail on the head once again, before AEMET and all the experts.

We are facing a significant change that could end up becoming a nightmare for all those who were expecting a situation that could end up affecting us fully. These are times of crisis that perhaps we should prepare for in terms of weather phenomena. That moment will have arrived where we are waiting for a situation that could end up being the one that accompanies us in these days that we have ahead of us and that could be key for everyone. September is a month of transition in which we can have everything and much more.

They reveal the Jorge Rey cabañuelas that await us

Bad weather seems to be becoming a reality if we look at what awaits us, the bad weather that has visited us in recent days. This autumn will have arrived that Jorge Rey seems to have seen coming well in advance if we look at his weather forecasts.

When temperatures were soaring, no one could have expected that in this September everything would start to change. The time will come to start thinking about everything that is still to come and what awaits us, a new reality to which we must adapt.

We must therefore face a situation that can end the hopes of many who thought they would find a more moderate sun, but perhaps not so much rain or even cold. Jorge Rey has been very aware of the numbers that have ended up becoming reality.

Without a doubt, we have before us a series of changes that will accompany us in a month of September that has much to offer us. The change that we all wanted to face may end up generating a completely unexpected situation.

Heavy storms are coming this week in September

We left behind a DANA with incidents huge in our country, especially in the north, but we are not going to let go of the umbrella. Especially if we look at what awaits us during a week of long holidays in some regions of the country.

Continuing with Jorge Rey’s forecast: “We currently have a week of September 12 in which we begin with strong storms. Storms that reach the northern and eastern areas in an intense way, as the cabañuelas have already announced.

AEMET agrees with Jorge Rey who anticipates this forecast that it has launched. This weekend we will be able to see these changes that the cabañuelas were waiting for: “The southeastern third of the peninsula is expected to be affected by an unstable subtropical air mass that will leave abundant cloudiness and probable precipitation accompanied by occasional storms. These could appear in the form of mud due to the presence of mist and will tend to diminish from south to north, leaving little cloudiness, while at the same time they will extend, intensifying, to the rest of the Mediterranean areas, with the probability of reaching the strong areas of the Balearic Islands and the coastal and pre-coastal areas of Catalonia. Some locally heavy showers are not ruled out in some parts of the Strait and around the Sierra Nevada in the early morning. A situation of some instability will also persist in the far north, with cloudy or overcast skies and probable scattered showers in Galicia and western Asturias, more intense in the northwest of Galicia, which will tend to diminish throughout the day, occasionally extending to the northwest. rest of the areas of the far north, being more probable and locally more intense in the eastern Pyrenees. Cloudy skies in the north of the Canary Islands, without excluding occasional light rainfall, and a predominance of slightly cloudy or clear skies in the rest of the country, with intervals of evolving cloudiness on the northern plateau and the Iberian system.

Continuing with the same forecast, temperatures will drop alarmingly: “Maximum temperatures will drop on the Mediterranean side and clearly in the Balearic Islands, few changes in the Canary Islands and predominance of increases in the rest. The minimums will increase in the center and southern half of the peninsula, as well as in the northwest of Galicia, they have decreased in the rest of the northwest third and northeast third. Moderate trade winds in the Canary Islands, north wind on the coasts of Catalonia, and south and southwest on the rest of the eastern coast of the peninsula and the Balearic Islands. In the rest, the western component will predominate, weak inland and more intense on the coast, with possible strong intervals in those of Alborán and the southeast of the peninsula.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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