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“Many professionals and entrepreneurs present are still unaware of the institutional assistance available”

Weird Market is the International Market of Animation, Video Games and New Media, which this year celebrates its 16th edition from October 1st to 6th in Valencia, dedicating the third day to the first WeirdInvest in its history where they seek to expand their network of networking and promote the sector to carry out new projects.

Weird Market Director José Luis Farias talks to us about his expectations for the Weird Invest event, which aims to strengthen the financing and investment of the animation and video game company Weird Market, in the international animation market.

How did the first Weird Invest day come about within Weird Market, which is celebrating its sixteenth edition this year, and what are its objectives?

Weird Invest was born with the aim of strengthening the financing and investment capacities of our national animation and video game companies. At Weird Market we have been taking the pulse of the sector for many years and evolving with it, our duty is to understand what is happening and anticipate to be useful, hence this day. Thanks to the support of ICEX, the Spanish Audiovisual Hub, Europe Creative MEDIA, the Ministry of Culture, the Valencian Institute of Culture, the Valencia City Council and the Provincial Council of Valencia, among others, we will be able to provide new financing models, analyze case studies and explore the use of disruptive technologies as alternative investment models.

What program is planned to attract both investors and emerging projects in the animation and video game sector?

We strongly believe that learning comes from sharing real experiences, which is why it will feature businesses and case studies relevant to the industry, both nationally and internationally. We will talk about public and private investment and funding for animation and video game projects; first-hand analysis of case studies; and the use of disruptive technologies in the sector with these objectives. One of the most striking conferences will come from the international company Claynosaurz, who will explain their success formula when it comes to obtaining funding for an animation IP around the structure of the blockchain.

From your point of view, why is it crucial to address investment and financing issues in a market full of opportunities like animation and video games?

Spain is currently among the top ten global markets in the video game sector, and 90% of the animation productions made in the country are exported abroad. The future of the Spanish animation and video game industry is more than promising, but adequate financing is a sine qua non condition for its optimal development. Even though we have fiscal tools, experience, talent and international reputation, financing and finding financing remains an obstacle. Building a powerful international brand or IP requires significant investment and the collaboration of many financial agents.At Weird Market, we see that many professionals and entrepreneurs present do not yet know the institutional aid available or how to contact potential economic agents who can promote their projects.

Weird Invest arises precisely to respond to this need of the sector. Although there are initiatives that already address this issue, we believe that thanks to the history of the event, which this year celebrates its 16th edition, we constitute the perfect environment to connect the world of video game and animation production with that of financing and investment. , strengthening and making the sector more competitive.

In your opinion, what motivates investors to bet and invest in this market?

It is a very profitable sector and even more so thanks to tax deductions. It is true that it is not as easy to understand for investors as the real estate sector or other more traditional sectors, but those who enter the audiovisual sector repeat it. Animation and video games have an enviable potential for scalability and reaching many markets, partly due to the ease of dubbing. When an intellectual property is born well armed, its development is exponential and it also extends to other markets and sectors. Its derivatives range from merchandisingtoys, events, editorial, remakesadaptations and a long etc. which are very profitable.

How can Weird Invest help entrepreneurs in the sector obtain the resources needed to promote their projects?

The day will offer, in addition to conferences that will bring together the public composed of all these profiles, b2b meetings and advice to facilitate the exchange of ideas and professional contacts. I always say that our fundamental work is to translate languages: that investors understand well how our sectors work and see their true potential; and on the other hand, that our CEOs and executive producers know what to tell them and how to present their companies and projects to investors.

In terms of development and growth of the sector, which area is generating the most interest and why?

Without a doubt, everything related to projects that look to the future using new technologies and disruptive processes. Something that is in our DNA and that arouses a lot of interest is that they are companies and projects that work in the global market, they are already born international. Some series, for example, have been sold in more than 150 countries and some video games have been played all over the world.

Could you explain to us the relevance of the Weird Invest conference in the global context of the animation, video game and new media market?

We create in the same space an environment favorable to business and entrepreneurship in a relaxed and professional way. Our goal is not the number of participants but the quality. We generate a networking of value where things happen and deals are made.



Katy Sprout
Katy Sprout
I am a professional writer specializing in creating compelling and informative blog content.


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